17 Things Teens Do In Movies That Literally Make No Sense

    "How come teenagers have so much time in the morning in movies? They'll literally go for breakfast or track down a dead body before class."

    1. Coming and going through windows instead of doors:

    why do teenagers in movies/tv shows always come in and leave from a window

    2. Having a bedroom that looks like the Pottery Barn catalog:

    How come in movies, teenagers always have the COOLEST rooms? I’m sorry but I can’t relate unless your walls are some hideous neon color, none of your furniture matches, and your carpet has a nail polish stain from 9 years ago

    3. Or, conversely, covering every square inch of their bedroom walls with posters:

    why do teens in movies always have so many goddamn posters on their bedroom walls? like every inch of their wall is covered

    4. Carpooling with friends on the way to school:

    Why do teenagers in movies always pick up all their friends on the way to school? That doesn’t happen

    5. And driving shiny new cars instead of clunkers:

    Why do teenagers in movies have nice cars like um my first car was literally ugly and had 250,000 miles

    6. Either waking up hours and hours before school starts...

    how come teenagers have so much time in the morning in movies & tv?they'll literally go for breakfast or track down a dead body before class

    7. ...or running so late they don't have time to finish breakfast:

    how come in movies no teenager has ever finished their breakfast before rushing off to school i do not understand

    8. Texting like this:

    How come every single teenager texts “Where R U?” at some point in every teen movie

    9. Slamming their laptop shut without raising suspicion:

    How come in movies parents never get suspicious or mad when teens close their laptops or phones quickly when parents enter the room...

    10. Bumping into someone at school and spilling their bag in the hall:

    okay how come in every teen movie or tv show the new kid at school bumps into someone and everything in their bag falls out? i’ve literally never seen that happen in real life.

    11. Never, ever having homework:

    how come teenagers in movies never have any homework

    12. The popular girls walking exactly like this:

    How come in the popular clique in every teen movie there’s always 3 girls that walk in slow motion a triangular formation with a fan blowing their hair back?

    13. Also, girls winding up in the guys' locker room:

    how come in every teen movie theres a scene where the girl goes in the boy's locker room & acts like it's no big deal but the guys freak out

    14. Sitting on the rooftops of houses:

    Why do teens in movies like to sit on rooftops like that is dangerous sit in a hammock hammocks are cool

    15. Chugging liquor like it's nothing:

    It stresses me out when teens in movies are chugging straight out of a vodka bottle without making a face. iT'S NOT POSSIBLE TO DO THAT

    16. Always hanging out at diners like it's 1950:

    how come in movies & tv shows all the teenagers have diners and coffee shops that they all meet up and hang out at?? I WANT THAT

    17. And finally, dressing like 30-year-old businesspeople:

    how come they never dress teenagers like teenagers in shoes/movies? they look like full grown business women while we out here in leggings