36 Starbucks Name Fails That Are So Bad They're Actually Good

    They screw up a latte.

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to send us photos of Starbucks completely screwing up their names. Here are the hilarious submissions.

    1. Rose ≠ Gross

    2. Arielle ≠ Anal

    3. Ilda ≠ Dilda

    4. Hope ≠ Ho

    5. Gerard ≠ Jerk

    6. Bob ≠ Pot

    7. Laurel ≠ Oral

    8. Courtney ≠ Corky

    9. Bridget ≠ Virgin

    10. Jess ≠ Yazz

    11. Shivani ≠ Shibang

    12. Jaime ≠ Heimen

    13. E ≠ The Letter "E"

    14. Andrea ≠ Angrea

    15. Shawna ≠ Sagawan

    16. Ruth ≠ Youth

    17. Claire ≠ Blay

    18. Rebeka ≠ Rubbaca

    19. Kendall ≠ Heather

    20. Carla ≠ Karma

    21. Jess ≠ Yes!

    22. Kennedy ≠ Candanity

    23. Miranda ≠ Bernadeth

    24. Tracy ≠ Trixie

    25. Megan ≠ Bigan

    26. Minoo ≠ Emnoo

    27. Bridget ≠ Grachent

    28. Kendall ≠ Candle

    29. Claude ≠ Lon

    30. Maddie ≠ Nutty

    31. Emma ≠ Juanma

    32. Georgia ≠ Gorga

    33. Cheyanne ≠ Shuyuyu

    34. Suzanne ≠ Sudan

    35. Courtney ≠ Corntey

    36. And, finally, Denise ≠ Snex

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