You'll Never Be Able To Unsee The Hidden Boobs In McDonald's Golden Arches

    They're more than just a big M.

    McDonald's Golden Arches are literally one of the most famous logos in the entire world.

    Seriously, whether I'm walking through Times Square or cruising down the interstate, the second I see that giant yellow M, I immediately want a Big Mac and large fries.

    But what if I told you that the the Golden Arches — that curvy yellow M — stood for more than McDonald's name?

    What if I told you that the M was supposed to symbolize YOUR MOTHER'S BREASTS?

    That's right, folks: The Golden Arches actually represent BOOBS.

    Here's how it happened: Back in the '60s, McDonald's was considering ditching the Golden Arches as part of a national redesign.

    However, a psychologist, design consultant, and Freudian named Louis Cheskin persuaded execs to keep the logo because the M looked like breasts — and not just any breasts, but one's mother's, as in the ~original~ source of nourishment.

    Thus the Golden Arches are still with us today.

    Oh, and one of McDonald's old slogans was "Give Mom a Night Off."

    In conclusion: 👀😳😱.