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    We Found These 15 Kitchen Products With Great Reviews So You Don't Have To

    A time-saving veggie chopper, a pre-seasoned cast iron skillet, an easy-to-use milk frother, and other kitchen products vouched for by very happy reviewers.

    1. A versatile chop, slice, and dice unit — it's here to simplify your meal prepping! Forget chopping your veggies one by one and having to clean a cutting board when you can just toss 'em in this device! And when you're done, just pop out the interchangeable blades and throw 'em in the dishwasher!

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99.

    2. Takeya cold brew maker so you can stop overpaying for your fave daily beverage. This awesome device features an airtight lid and stainless-steel filter to keep coffee fresh for up to two weeks!

    Just add up to 6 tablespoons of your go-to coffee beans into the filter, fill it with water, and leave it in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Then, remove the filter from the pitcher and — BAM — you've got some delicious coffee.

    Promising review: "This was my first cold brewing experience, but this product made it easy! Just put your coffee in the filter, fill it with water, and forget it in the fridge for a day! Plus, I love that everything comes apart easily and can be put in the dishwasher." —shackelforrd

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99+ (available in two sizes and three colors).

    Check out one BuzzFeeder's full review of the Takeya cold brew maker to learn more about why we love it.

    3. A pre-seasoned cast-iron skillet because it'll add an extra depth of flavor that you've never been able to coax out of your plain ol' pan and make the perfect sear within reach. I've got one, and I've gotta say, the hype is legit. This thing makes a serious difference when cooking everything from eggs and veggies to steak and fish and much much more — IYKYK.

    It'll also make you wonder why you've been clinging to your worn out, scratched up pans whose ~nonstick~ glory days are well behind them. The days of soaking, scrubbing, and wondering what synthetic coatings or chemicals are seeping into their food are long gone! This thing cleans up super easy *without* soap, won't scratch with metal utensils, and it'll remain nonstick long into the future if you keep it properly seasoned. You can even use it safely on the grill or in the oven!

    Promising review: "This pan is amazing. If you have never tried cast iron, you should. I have used (far, far more expensive) nonstick pans in the past, and while they don't scratch as easily as other nonstick pans, they still wears out. This pan, on the other hand, is indestructible. I have left the heat on and forgotten about it, no problem. I can use a sharp metal spatula without worrying. The iron even seems to add a bit of flavor to the food. 

    As for nonstickiness, the other day I cooked an egg in it with just a tiny bit of sausage grease. The egg didn't even try to stick. For cleaning, it is a breeze as you just run some water over it and brush off any gunk. If you find out a way to get something to stick to it, you can just put it in the oven to burn it off and then re-season. (Try that with a nonstick pan.) Last but not least, this is the new weapon of choice if a burglar comes." —M. Champ

    Get it from Amazon for $6.90+ (available in nine sizes and 15 styles).

    4. 17-piece knife set that comes with a stylish acrylic organizer so you can fashionably display them while saving drawer space! This set contains 13 professional chef knives, kitchen scissors, a peeler, and a premium quality 2-stage knife sharpener to ensure that you have all the tools you need in the kitchen to slice, dice, and beyond!

    The set comes with 13 knives, a pair of kitchen scissors, a peeler, and a two-stage knife sharpener.

    Promising review: "These knives are great! They stay super sharp, they’re comfortable to hold, and I love how much counter space it leaves as opposed to a big bulky knife block. Fits perfectly in my minimalist kitchen!!! And it looks great on my counter, being one of the few things that I keep on my countertop! It is the perfect amount of knives without being too many knives (I don’t like things in excess)! I have never had a cheese knife before, and this baby is my favorite one in the whole set! LOL! It slices through hard cheeses like butter! Have not tried on soft cheese, but I’m sure it’ll be great because it is super sharp! I can’t say enough about how much I love these knives!!" —Sadie Allen

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99+ (available with black or silver knives and other set options).

    5. Or a mini knife sharpener — now you can stop struggling to get your ancient dull blades to be the faithful collaborators they once were. This'll bring 'em back to life so your wallet can stop shuddering at the thought of purchasing a brand-new set.

    BuzzFeed Shopping reviewer holding the mini knife sharpener
    Same reviewer's picture of sliced mushrooms with caption
    Elizabeth Lilly / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I gotta say this is the best sharpener I ever bought in my whole life. I got it today and brought it to work. I work at a Japanese restaurant as a sushi chef and I sharpened it at work and, wow, my knife was as sharp as a samurai sword! Even my coworkers were surprised and asked me to order one for them. Thanks for the product ! Now I don't have to use the stone or sharpen rod that much anymore." —Are

    Get it from Amazon for $10.95.

    Read one BuzzFeeder's full review of the mini knife sharpener to learn more.

    6. Keurig mini coffee brewer perfect for anyone who doesn't have space for a giant coffee machine and really only needs single servings anyway! 

    Reviewer image of blue coffee maker
    Reviewer image of pink coffee maker

    You can brew any cup size between 6–12 ounces of coffee.

    Promising review: "I wanted to have more room in my condo kitchen, so I bought this little Keurig and put the great big one away. I was able to put my toaster next to it, and it freed up so much room. It is very easy to use. The color matches my walls, and I like not having that big well of water to fill. It takes just a bit longer to make a cup of coffee, but it brews my Pike Place Starbucks just as well as the big one did. It is actually more convenient because of not having to deal with that big plastic thing on the back, and because you can make exactly enough coffee for your cup if you use your cup to fill it!" —Proflizzie

    Get it from Amazon for $63.63+ (available in six colors).

    7. And a Zulay milk frother that'll kick the coffee you make at home up a notch so you can feel less ~FOAM-O~ when you walk by your favorite coffee shop.

    A reviewer holding a cup of coffee with a thick foam layer on top
    A reviewer photo of a milk frother

    This frother comes with a stand to keep it upright on your countertop, or it can be stored in your drawer.

    Promising review: "I love this product. I wanted a milk frother to complement matcha lattes and coffees for something a little extra on the weekend. Completely worth it. I use oat milk, and this frother works great. It's easy to use and clean, especially with the attachment it rests in. I am still using the same batteries I put in from December 2021, and I have seen no issues with the speed of this product. I even purchased one to give to a friend as a birthday gift, and she loved it." —Sarah

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in 41 colors).

    8. A macramé produce hammock if you've completely run out of surfaces but still wanna store your fruits and veggies in a way that is pleasing to the eye.

    hanging fruit basket in a kitchen
    gif of model putting apples and oranges in the hanging basket
    KnappsKnots / Via Etsy

    Knapps Knots is a San Diego-based small business owned by Anastasia Knapp who is quite possibly making the cutest macrame and wood crafts you've ever seen.

    Promising review: "Absolutely loved it! Perfect if you have little counter space." —Jessi

    Get it from Knapps Knots on Etsy for $27.90+ (available in two sizes and 12 colors).

    9. A nonstick, food-safe baking mat so you can bake whenever you want without having to decide if it's worth needing to scrape a baking pan clean after.

    A reviewer's vegetable and mozzarella sticks cooking on a sheet pan
    A reviewer's croissants cooked on a sheet pan

    Promising review: "I use these mats multiple times a day. They make cleanup super easy, which is really important in my hectic life. They wipe off easily with just water." —Tasia Lung

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $17.99.

    10. A rapid egg cooker that'll take making breakfast for the whole family off of your to-do list now that school has started back up and everyone's trying to get out of the house at the same time. This impressive lil' device can make hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, and scrambled eggs in just minutes! It can even make an omelet if you wanna feel fancy without the extra effort.

    Reviewer photo of rapid egg cooker with six eggs inside
    Reviewer photo of six eggs cooked with rapid egg cooker

    See it in action on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "If you are on the fence about getting one of these, GET ONE. It really is as easy as it sounds to have a perfectly cooked egg, no guesswork. Soft-boiled eggs took me about 11 minutes to make. Just have an ice bath ready next to the cooker and let the eggs sit for a minute or two in there...peels come right off :) Makes healthy eating a breeze in the morning! Where has this been all my life!??!?" —rebecca

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in seven colors).

    11. A set of silicone stove counter gap covers so you can stop dropping bits of food into that tiny crevice between the stove and countertop that you *never* clean — because that's how you get uninvited critters treating your apartment like their own personal buffet. Now you can tell them the kitchen's closed!

    The covers just slip right into the gap — there's no adhesive involved — so you can easily remove and clean them whenever necessary.

    Promising review: "I've been using these for about a week on my new freestanding range. When they removed my old range, I was really surprised to see how much stuff had slipped through! Now, when I cook, I can see the splatters and seasonings left on the silicone that would have fallen between the stove and the counter. These gap fillers really do clean up easily, too. Although they are that extra thing to clean, I prefer that to knowing there's a mess hiding in the cracks." —JMom

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $10.95+ (available in three sizes and three colors).

    12. A set of refrigerator organizer bins to help your fridge hold everything you and your roommates overstuff it with.

    A model pulling one of the bins out of a fridge by its handle like a drawer
    A bunch of food products organized in the bins in a fridge

    Promising review: "Just what I was looking for! I ordered a pack of four of these bins. I was able to rearrange my refrigerator using these to organize things and make better use of the space. I'm happy I bought them. I also like the handles on the end as it makes it easier to pull them out of the fridge." —J. Harris

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $15.99 (also available as a set of two, six, eight and 14).

    13. A fume-free oven cleaner that'll tear through years and years of baked-on crud so all you have to do is wipe it clean.

    Promising review: "Magic in a can. I must be completely honest here, but I was shocked with this stuff. Imagine a family of four not cleaning an oven for two years. With so so much burnt-on grease and debris that a scouring pad didn't touch it, the glass was so dirty that you couldn't tell if the light was on. It was disgusting. So one evening after making dinner I let the oven cool down a bit and let loose with the easy off. I left it for 24 hours and was dreading cleaning it the following evening after work. I took a damp cloth and just wiped it clean — it removed everything. Couldn't believe it. Now my oven is more sparkly than ever. Am really happy with it." —MarkJ

    Get it from Amazon for $11.53.

    14. A self-sealing, airtight, and leakproof reusable silicone bag designed to keep food fresh while reducing your reliance on single-use plastics. It's safe to put in the microwave, dishwasher, oven, or freezer, and you can even use it for sous vide!

    Fresh garlic being stored inside the bag
    Snacks inside of two different sized and different colored bags next to a backpack

    This bag is free of BPA, PVC, and latex.

    Promising review: "I've tried a LOT of reusable bags as there are a lot of options out there all using a variety of materials. The fabric ones just get gross over time. The vinyl ones are hard to clean and aren't usually dishwasher-safe. There are other silicone ones that need a separate rod to close them that you can easily lose. 

    This one is the most simple and easy to use. No separate pieces to lose. Can withstand any temperature/microwave/dishwasher/whatever. And if they get gunky they are very easy to clean and I trust that they aren't hiding gross crumbs in any of the crevices. My only complaint is the cost — they are the most expensive and I wish they offered a bulk discount. If they were cheaper I would use them for EVERYTHING (open cheese in the cheese drawer, all snacks on the go, etc)." —Megan A.

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in several sizes, styles, and colors).

    15. And finally, a silverware sorter that'll hold up to 24 pieces of cutlery while taking up barely any space at all so you can actually fit all your tools in one drawer.

    Promising review: "I have a tiny kitchen with only three drawers, so space is at a premium. My silverware organizer took up almost all of one drawer, so this organizer is a godsend. You can fit quite a few spoons etc. in each slot. My beater attachments fit perfectly into the top two hollows. I will say I have to flip my forks over face-down in order to be able to shut and open my drawer, but then the drawer itself is kind of shallow. You NEED this if you have a small kitchen with few drawers!" —mialro

    Get it on Amazon for $8.99+ (available in two sizes, three colors, and a bamboo version).

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.