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    Surgery Doll Erwin, The Little Patient

    Because kids are naturally curious and want to know what's inside

    Turns out that not all kids just want to play with video games or download the latest apps. This surgery doll did strike us as slightly odd initially but upon closer examination - and closer examination is exactly the name of the game here - it is fascinating how much fun (and educational value) the little ones (and big ones, like doctors, nurses, teachers... you name it) will get out of it.

    The dolls come with a booklet explaining what each organ is good for and covers important questions like "How were we born? What are bones for?

    What happens to gummi bears in my stomach?"

    All organs are color-coordinated with little velcro-swaps and thus, it is easy to assemble the little patient - which is super-helpful since quite honestly, how sure are you yourself where the spleen is and what it is connected to?

    Erwin, the Little Patient (made by sigikid of Germany) will surely spark a lot of discussion about our inner organs and values but it will also satisfy the 4 ft high "why???"-crowd.

    George Takei had posted it on his facebook page and from there it went viral.