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    When we moved to the city and I began taking the TTC, I was reluctant to give-up my beloved Go Train. I had taken the TTC before, and thought I knew what to expect. It was clear that I was unprepared. I decided that I wanted to reach-out and help others who are new to the TTC. Follow the tips below to ensure you can quickly adapt in this new world.

    •Please reserve all foods, particularly those that are the most odorous, for consumption on the subway, bus or streetcar. TTC riders enjoy the various smells of odd foods in the oxygen-rich environment. Also, proper disposal of food and beverage containers is unnecessary as the TTC vehicle doubles as a waste receptacle.

    •Do you feel pressed for time in the morning? No matter, please enjoy the ample space on the TTC to apply makeup, curl lashes and trim nails and cuticles. Make sure to also brush your hair so that it falls directly on the vehicle floor. The locks you shed are like rose petals to the TTC riders who wade through them daily.

    •Shoes and socks are optional. Please place bare feet on nearest seat so as to keep any others from sitting down.

    •Please ensure that all conversations, including those with the most intimate and embarrassing details, are had at the highest volumes possible. Nobody is listening.

    •When embarking on the subway, remember that you are a priority! Other TTC riders are not as important as you. They, of course, do not understand that you that you have to attend to important business matters. Other riders are likely not aware that for you, waiting an additional 60 seconds for the next train is unacceptable.

    •Teens and Tweens, turn your music up louder! It's great when you can listen to your own music, but what about sharing it with others? Turning your music down would only allow others to communicate with you, especially when to maneuver around your large knapsacks.

    •Finally, when on the subway and entering an area where brief cellular signals can be had, please check your devices immediately. Better yet, make a call. It is 30 seconds of text, talk or surf time you will never get back.