24 Medieval Reactions That Are Literally Your Life

    Party like it's 1399.

    1. "Ugh, God. Can u not?"

    2. When someone takes the last slice of pizza.

    3. When you and bae spend so much time together you end up looking the same.

    4. When you turn up to a party and everyone else is already drunk.

    5. When your mate gets thrown out the club but it was your other mate who bought him the shots.

    6. When you stop someone getting with someone who's too drunk.

    7. When you're harvesting Tinderboys after uploading a new selfie.

    8. Squad goals.

    9. When you say bye to the designated driver.

    10. When someone sasses you so you have to take them down.

    11. When your ma won't stop talking to you on the phone.

    12. When you were the only person who saw the fight.

    13. When you turn up and no one paid any attention to your entrance.

    14. When all the drugs hit you at once.

    15. When you're sloppy drunk and see someone taking a photo and think you look fine AF.

    16. When your friends won't shut up and you're trying to sleep but also want to hear all the gossip.

    17. When someone's flaming you but their insult game is weak.

    18. When you just cannot handle another second of Sarah's whining.

    19. When the club's empty but they're playing your jam.

    20. When your ma's not angry, she's just disappointed.

    21. When you're trying to be quiet going upstairs when you're drunk but someone catches you.

    22. When you're opening a present and everyone's watching you so you forget what you normally do with your face in situations like this.

    23. Fuckboys in the club like...

    24. When everyone else is going out but you have to stay home and study.