The 13 Soul-Crushing Stages Of Looking For A Job

    Cover letters are the work of Satan.

    1. Searching absolutely anywhere for job openings, even websites that are clearly shady.

    2. Filling out those tedious online forms that make you want to die.

    3. Never hearing back from anyone. Ever.

    4. Figuring out who your references should be.

    5. Deciding how much to lie on your resume.

    6. Deciding whether you should write a cover letter or punch yourself in the face.

    7. Writing painfully awkward emails to your "connections."

    8. Feeling a part of yourself die while attending "networking events."

    9. Figuring out what the hell to wear to an interview.

    10. Questioning your sanity.

    11. Lowering your standards.

    12. Longing for even a rejection.

    13. Going off into the wilderness to live off the land.