Shout Out To People Who Eat Noodles On Thanksgiving

    Live noods.

    At Thanksgiving my family serves homemade noodles, meant to be plopped on top of the mashed potatoes.

    My grandma taught me that mere human beings can produce noodles from scratch.

    Her Better Homes and Gardens cookbook with the recipe is almost 70 years old.

    You can tell because the noodle recipe uses old-timey language like "top milk."

    There's something deeply satisfying about slicing noodle dough into strips.

    My grandma dries the noodles on newspaper. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?

    why does everyone go straight to Christmas? did you forget that homemade noodles are among us? #Thanksgiving

    All I want for thanksgiving is homemade noodles and mashed potatoes with gravy. Forget everything else. 😍

    Mom sent me home with a big ass thing of homemade noodles... #yezir #awshit Trust me ya missing out son! #thanksgiving

    Already dreaming about homemade noodles on thanksgiving 🦃