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23 Extremely Cute Bunnies Hiding Terrible Secrets

So cute, but what are they hiding???

1. "I've never once paid taxes."

2. "I go into Starbucks just to drink free milk."

3. "I kept every movie I ever rented from Blockbuster."

4. "I think Guy Fieri is actually pretty cool."

5. "I never saw 'Good Will Hunting' but told everyone I did."

6. "I said your hat is 'fun' but it's really not."

7. "I drank all your vodka and filled the bottle back up with water."

8. "I don't know how to love."

9. "Our relationship is a lie."

10. "Help, I stole a baby."

11. "I look in your windows at night."

12. "I can't stop manipulating the people I care about."

13. "It was me who farted."

14. "We robbed a Toys R Us."

15. "My wife has no idea I'm here."

16. "I hate everyone."

17. "I pushed subprime mortgages and still got a $10 million bonus."

18. "I sold secrets to the Russians."

19. "I sold your DNA to the government."

20. "My real name is Dick Whitman."

21. "I set fires."

22. "My thirst for blood has spiraled way out of control."

23. "I can't stop murdering."