18 Things That Happened To Me Within The First 10 Days Of Using An iPhone X

    My selfies were amazing, but also I lived in constant fear?

    1. First of all, life without a Home button was a major, MAJOR swerve, you guys.

    2. But after a few, um, thousand tries, I finally got into this buttonless thing and felt like a goddamn baller.

    3. I dropped the phone three times in the first ten days – and it was...okay?

    4. But I became less afraid of shattering it than of getting it stolen.

    5. Animojis were cool at first, but TBH, I got tired of them after two days.

    Twitter: @AnimojiVids

    Though okay, this "Uptown Funk" number is kind of enthralling...

    6. Meanwhile, having an actual full screen view was an unexpected thrill.

    7. Though not all apps got the memo about that, so that'll feel a bit disappointing.

    8. And you can't see the battery percentage anymore, which KILLED me.

    9. A longer-lasting battery was, however, a true godsend.

    10. Water no longer became an automatic phone death sentence.

    11. Facial recognition was pretty cool in theory, but I honestly missed the fingerprint ID.

    12. Which also meant that I couldn't lowkey use my phone during meetings or class.

    13. The iPhone X also crashed a lot when I would try to unlock it.

    14. BUT IT WAS ALL EXTREMELY WORTH IT, because just look at how it changed my selfie game...

    15. And oh right, taking photos of other people became more fun, too.

    16. Finally, taking screenshots was way easier — and now, I can do it with one hand.

    17. In summary, after all the ups and downs of our first 10 days together, I've officially formed an emotional bond with the iPhone X.

    This post was translated from Spanish.