

This is me I can be very different from a lot of people. One of the nicest thing that can said is to say you think out side the box. I like to cook a lot, I recently discovered that if you add whiskey to making chocolate chip cookies dough and then cook it, those cookies will be the best cookies you will ever have. I work in TV making commercials, the job is not as interesting as at might seem. I have become an workout-holic, which is healthy then most things. I play video games, just to relax. I watch way to many movies. I enjoy a good knock knock joke. Knock Knock! Who's there? Wendy. Wendy who? Wendy wind blows de cradle will rock. Knock Knock! Who's there? Butter. Butter who? I butter not tell you! Knock Knock! Who's there? Butter. Butter who? Butter let me in! Knock Knock! Who's there? Pencil. Pencil who? Pencil fall down if you don't have a belt. Anyway I think a good conversation is the best thing in the world. I like to have nice meals that take hours to eat, because the conversation is good. And one more thing when you are attack by a bear curl up in a ball.

Feb 2011
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