Voters Think Nick Clegg Is Attractive But Want Nigel Farage To Put Up Their Shelves

    The Deputy Prime Minister is the hottest ticket in town. And quite a good cook.

    Nick Clegg is the most attractive of the four major party leaders, according to a YouGov/BuzzFeed poll.

    The poll asked 1,900 voters who take part in YouGov's panel for their opinions on the four major party leaders.

    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg was way out in front when it came to attractiveness. And people would like to him to come to their houses and cook a meal.

    The polling also found that UKIP's Nigel Farage, rarely seen without a pint or a cigarette, is inexplicably the public's top choice for putting together their IKEA Billy bookcase.

    And what about Labour's Ed Miliband? Well, he's the man who'll return your book. And that's just lovely.

    This highly important polling could help shape the messages of British political parties for the next election.

    @jimwaterson I think “Ed will bring your book back” should be a key plank of Labour’s election strategy.

    @jimwaterson @WikiGuido "Flatpack Farage: looks cheap and collapses under pressure". There's a slogan that could work...

    @jimwaterson "Vote Labour, we always return our books to the library on time"

    @jimwaterson @WikiGuido "Who would I want to let loose with a hammer and nails? Hmm, let's see. I'll go for the one who's always pissed"