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    11 Signs You've Been Unemployed For Too Long

    What is this "job" thing that you speak of?

    1. The idea of setting an alarm is preposterous.

    Ha! You have nowhere to be, ever.

    2. Your morning beauty routine is nonexistent.


    3. You still drink your coffee, but have nowhere to put the energy.


    4. What day is it?

    No idea.

    5. You only know how to answer that question based on whether or not there's a new episode of ________ On Demand.

    Hmm...I already saw this episode of American Horror it must of the days before Wednesday...

    6. So, yeah...TV marathons are kinda your thing right now.

    You bet your ass I watch Scandal.

    7. Your big plans revolve around what you get to eat next.

    8. You've become an expert at online shopping, but have no money to actually purchase anything.

    My Amazon wish list is shaping up quite nicely.

    9. It's getting to the point where people are all up in your business with questions about your job hunt.

    Nobody asked you.

    10. You calmly explain that your options are not ideal, and you haven't found anything yet but are diligently searching.

    11. And at the end of the day, you remind yourself that life is good, and that you'll figure out that whole "job" thing when you're good and ready.