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    Sign Up For A Confident Smile

    Guide to the ultimate, picture perfect smile this summer.

    Summer Smile Makeover

    This time of year equals social calendar overload!

    Everyone is so excited for the fresh air, warm weather, and perfectly breezy summer nights filled with celebratory events and good times.

    -But is your smile ready to shine bright?

    When it comes to appearance, most people put forth a little effort and prep for their epic nights on the town. Even more people invest the serious time for a makeover when it comes to those major life, milestone events. People save many of these big occasions for when the weather allows a carefree atmosphere to enjoy.

    When it comes time to party, have your photo snapped, and be surrounded by your family, friends, and peers, everyone wants to lead with their best smile.

    What breaks down an ideal smile?

    Is it tooth to gum ratio?
    Is it fluorescently glow in the dark pearly whites?
    No gaps? Crooked teeth? Imperfections?
    What is it?

    When we are preparing and ready to iron out every single detail of our celebrations, are we forgetting to go over our Smile Checklist?

    Teeth Whitening

    The most popular and common service requested in cosmetic dentistry is of course, teeth whitening. Today's technology and advanced systems can whiten your teeth 8-10 shades lighter. You can achieve a brighter smile in the comfort of your own home, specialty spas, and other dentist/orthodontist offices. When choosing our at home whitening system, impressions are taken of your mouth and the resulting trays are filled with a bleaching agent that can be worn at your convenience. This is a much more effective solution that over-the-counter and in-store products that are readily available. The results are extremely customized. In-office whitening system produced by the experts and professionals have a stronger bleaching agent which is painted on your teeth and then sealed with plasma light, providing for stronger and quicker results.

    Dental Tooth Bonding

    If you are looking to change the shape of your teeth, close gaps, fix a chipped tooth, or improve the appearance of discolored or decayed teeth, dental bonding is a great option. A tooth colored resin material is applied to the tooth and hardened with a special light, bonding the material to your tooth and improving unwanted imperfections.

    Gum and Enamel Re-contouring

    Sometimes gums rest too high or too low on your teeth. This causes your teeth to either look too big or too small. This cosmetic procedure reshapes and evens out your gum line if you are unhappy about the way your gums rest on your teeth.

    Porcelain Veneers / Fillings

    Dental Veneers give a complete makeover to your smile simply by using very thin custom made shells of tooth colored materials to cover the front surface of your teeth. These shells are bonded to your teeth changing the shape, size, and color and improving the overall aesthetic appearance of your smile.

    Dental Implants

    The better alternative to bridges and dentures, dental implants are replacement tooth roots that provide a strong foundation for permanent or removable replacement teeth. They look and feel like your own teeth because they are being fused with your bone. Implants are very durable and with good care can last a lifetime.

    Cosmetic Dentistry and proper orthodontics covers it all. Cosmetic dentistry is dentistry aimed at creating a positive change to your teeth and to your superb smile. Most think of tooth whitening or veneers when cosmetic dentistry comes to mind, but a cosmetic dentist/orthodontist can provide much more.

    As we are set our social standards high, people should set their cosmetic and oral health even higher. A smile is the #1 biggest attribute for successfully boosting confidence and presenting your most attractive self. It needs to be a priority. Cosmetic dentistry and orthodontic treatments use the ideal tools available to ensure you never have to hide your smile or feel ashamed of a lackluster grin.

    Come on, you know you have done it… laughed so hard, then got uncomfortable and immediately retracted back thinking everyone was staring at your under par smile.

    With countless treatment options, personalizing your experience and correcting those cosmetic ailments, Dr. Jacquie Smiles specializes in speedy enhancements that demolish your concerns.

    The wide variety of treatments offered are safe, affordable, and effective. There is nothing stopping you from achieving your ultimate smile makeover this summer!