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13 Things You're Probably Doing Wrong

Based on this Quora thread.

1. Drying Your Hands

2. Pooping

3. Adjusting Your Rear-View Mirrors

When you adjust your side mirrors, usually you turn them so that you can see the back sliver of your car and think you're good to go. But you already know where the back of your car is: it's right behind you!! Instead, turn your mirrors until just after your car disappears from view and you can almost eliminate those pesky and dangerous blind spots.

4. Peeling Potatoes

5. Cracking Eggs

Cracking an egg on the side of a bowl usually leaves little shells on the raw egg that are a pain to remove. Instead, gently tap the egg on the counter or a cutting board and then use both hands to pull the two sides apart. No more shell pieces!

6. Flushing

7. Eating Pizza

8. Opening Plastic Packaging

9. Pouring From a Carton

When you pour anything from a carton, your instinct is to put the spout close to the glass. But actually, this method results in a floppy splashy pour stream. Instead, turn the carton upside down and hold the flap down flat for a smooth pour.

10. Unloading Soda Cans

11. Holding a Burger

12. Drying Cups & Bowls

13. Beat Boxing