21 Father's Day Cards That Are Actually Funny

    Because not all dads like golf and sitting on their butts all day.

    1. Because sometimes, the way to a dad's heart is complimenting a mom...

    2. ...and sometimes it isn't.

    3. Because he was always ahead of the curve.

    4. Because seriously, enough with the golf ties.

    5. Because you can't ask your dad for money all the time

    6. Because sometimes you just need to be literal.

    7. Because "in-law" gets a bad rap.

    8. Because a good dad joke is always a good idea.

    9. Because humility was never really your thing.

    10. Because it's good to be honest.

    11. Because sometimes simple is best.

    12. Because your dad doesn't read Facebook.

    13. Because curse words look better in cursive.


    15. Because you know what he really wants...

    16. Because it's never too late to remind him you're still a kid at heart.

    17. ...and also what he doesn't want.

    18. Because admitting is the first step.

    19. Because he always did like a gross joke.

    20. Because sometimes you have to accept people where they are.

    21. And sometimes, the best gifts are free.