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    Follow This Schedule And You'll Have The Best Day Ever

    Optimize every single moment of your day with this masterful schedule.

    5:45 a.m.: Wake up.

    JUST KIDDING! Go back to sleep for 20 minutes.

    6:05 a.m.: Weigh Yourself.

    6:10 a.m.: Put on sunscreen.

    6:20 a.m.: Send an important email.

    6:30 a.m.: Take a walk outside.

    7:00 a.m.: Have Sex.

    7:30 a.m.: Eat Bacon.

    7:45 a.m.: Mail a package.

    8:00 a.m.: Drink an iced beverage.

    8:30 a.m. Get a haircut.

    8:45 a.m.: Read Twitter.

    9:00 a.m.: Get gas.

    9:30 a.m.: Drink Coffee.

    10:00 a.m.: Return Merchandise

    10:15 a.m.: Eat a mini-meal.

    10:30 a.m.: Do a crossword puzzle.

    11:00 a.m.: Get some work done.

    12:30 p.m.: Drink more coffee.

    1:00 p.m.: Eat another mini-meal.

    1:30 p.m.: Go to the doctor.

    2:00 p.m. Take a nap.

    2:20 p.m.: Cheat on your diet.

    2:30 p.m. Get a root canal.

    3:00 p.m.: Buy a plane ticket.

    3:30 p.m.: Tweet something.

    4:00 p.m.: Clean your house.

    4:30 p.m.: Buy Jewelry.

    5:00 p.m.: Ask for a raise.

    5:15 p.m.: Learn a new skill or sport.

    5:30 p.m.: Have a drink.

    5:45 p.m.: Go to the gym.

    6:15 p.m.: Take your fiber.

    6:30 p.m.: Eat dinner.

    7:00 p.m.: Go grocery shopping.

    7:30 p.m.: Drink a glass of cranberry juice.

    8:00 p.m.: Post to Facebook.

    8:15 p.m.: Walk your dog.

    9:00 p.m.: Read something.

    9:30 p.m.: Take a shower.

    9:35 p.m.: Get an idea (in the shower).

    9:45 p.m.: Apply deodorant.

    9:50 p.m.: Floss your teeth.

    10:00 p.m.: Take allergy meds and aspirin.

    Allergy pills and aspirin are both said to work better overnight.

    10:30 p.m.: Go to bed.