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    This Ikea "Relationship Saving Station" Will Save Humanity From Itself

    Where do we send the Nobel Peace Prize???

    Ikea is a huge furniture store that's famous for cheap AF sofas and causing couples to have enormous fights over everything from curtain colors to the number of meatballs to order.

    But now, comedian Jeff Wysaski has installed a "Relationship Saving Station" at his local Ikea that will help you cope with all that Billy bookcase-induced stress.

    At the station, which Wysaski set up at the Ikea in Burbank, California, you can take things out on this tiny horse...

    ...while your partner takes a quick puppy break.

    Maybe you just need to slip into something more comfortable.

    Or write down your frustrations with something other than one of those super annoying golf pencils.

    Who cares about Ektorp slipcovers when you have BUBBLES?

    "I don't know if it's still up," Wysaski says of the station, which he installed on Sunday. "You'd be surprised how easy it is to get away with these — everyone is just lost in their own worlds."

    See more of Jeff's hilarious stunts on his Obvious Plant Facebook page and Instagram.