19 Things Every Lifelong Vegetarian Will Relate To

    It's hard being a kid who doesn't eat meat, OK?

    1. When new vegetarians talk about how much they miss meat, you're just like:

    2. It was SUPER awkward being the kid in class who couldn't eat the hot dog lunch on the field trip.

    3. You and your parents prayed every kids' menu had a grilled cheese or PB&J on it.

    4. You've REALLY heard every vegetarian joke in the book.

    5. And your whole life has been spent fending off the "protein" comments.

    6. And "But you don't know what you're missing!!"

    7. You have literally no idea how to cook meat.

    8. And someone had to explain the whole "how do you want your hamburger cooked?" thing to you.

    9. The thought of eating an entire steak makes you feel kind of queasy.

    10. When you were younger, you tried to fit in with your meat-eating friends.

    11. International travel has always been rough for you.

    12. And if you accidentally eat something with meat in it, you can tell RIGHT AWAY.

    13. You ate a LOT of spaghetti growing up.

    14. And cheese pizza.

    15. And rice. All the rice.

    16. You don't really crave fake meat.

    17. You've always felt a special bond with other vegetarians.

    18. When someone assumes you don't eat meat because it's "trendy" not to:

    19. And at the end of the day, you wouldn't have had your upbringing any other way.