19 Things Every Mixed Vegetarian And Nonvegetarian Couple Will Understand

    "Do you want to just make pasta for dinner again?"

    1. You're going to be sharing a vegetarian appetizer at the restaurant. You just are.

    2. You will make a LOT of homemade pizzas together.

    3. Taco Night is also your favorite holiday.

    4. If you're the meat eater, you are contractually obligated to secretly eat the meat portion of the vegetarian's dinner at a wedding.

    5. And if you're the vegetarian, you are hereby obligated to order nonveggie dishes with the meat on the side, so the meat eater gets a free treat.

    6. If you don't have kids together yet, you think a lot about whether you'd raise them vegetarian or not.

    7. When you're grocery shopping, the vegetarian will peace out when it's time to hit the meat section.

    8. ...and also when it's time to put the meat in the fridge at home.

    9. You would both never set foot at a BBQ without veggie burgers in tow.

    10. You'll both learn to enjoy vegetarian restaurants.

    11. But if you think a restaurant made a mistake with your order and there *is* actually meat in something, the meat eater can always try it out to confirm.

    12. If you live together, the vegetarian may not be able to handle certain smells.

    13. The meat eater will learn to be patient during the vegetarian's possibly complicated restaurant order.

    14. It's just easier if the vegetarian gets to pick the dinner place.

    15. But that doesn't mean you can never go to a steakhouse.

    16. All broth that enters your kitchen will be in the form of veggie broth.

    17. The truest display of love is when the meat eater preps their family on their partner's vegetarianism before they come over for dinner.

    18. Sure, there's some gentle teasing back and forth...

    19. ...but at the end of the day, you respect each other's choices and wouldn't change a thing.