We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    39 Products That’ll Solve Some Of Your Problems When You Realize Ignoring Them Doesn’t Make Them Go Away

    You don't have to be resigned to the fact that your tattoo is just old and faded — there's a balm that will actually help revive it so it looks good again 🙌🏼.

    1. keloid minimizer because sometimes no matter how well you take care of your new piercing, you just get hit with the keloid curse. This is designed to help reduce the size of the uncomfortable bump so you don't have to end up taking out your adorable new earring.

    reviewer's ear with a keloid bump on their piercing
    same reviewer's ear after daily use of keloid treatment

    Note: This product is not an overnight miracle. Apply this 2–3 times a day, be patient, and you'll start to see the results.

    Talk to your doctor before attempting to treat your keloid on your own, and learn more about keloids from Cleveland Clinic.

    Promising review: "This product is amazing! Truly a miracle product. I had an AWFUL keloid forming near my nose piercing about six weeks after getting it done and it was getting bigger and more irritated by the day, nothing was helping. I bought this and started using it and in less than two weeks my huge keloid was completely gone! I was definitely skeptical and a little nervous when it didn’t seem to be getting noticeably smaller after a week but then the second week, it started totally disappearing so give it some time to work if your bump is on the larger side. If you remain patient and apply it twice a day, it should do the trick!" —Jordan Caprigno

    Get it from Amazon for $12.85+ (also available in multipacks).

    2. A Door-Doc so you can easily prop open your front load washer to help prevent mold and mildew from growing inside.

    A small white angled door stopper propping open a reviewer's front load washer door
    The stopper moved so the reviewer's door can fully open

    Check out a TikTok of the Door-Doc in action. 

    Door-Doc is a small business specializing in home laundry solutions. 

    Promising review: "I’d never had any issues with mold or any nastiness accruing inside my washer, until I did. I read a bunch of reviews and convinced myself I didn’t need such an item — after all, I could just prop the door open after every wash. The thing is, the way the washer is positioned in the laundry room, I’d hit the washer door every time I went in there. I gave in and made the purchase. Sooooo worth it! Easy to maneuver around and it’s a sturdy little gadget. Highly recommend!!!" —painterJane

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99+ (available in two colors). 

    3. An AirPod cleaning pen because if you paid all that money for high-quality headphones, they'd better sound good even a year later! This will gently clean out those hard-to-reach crevices in the speakers and charger so you can restore the crisp, fresh-out-of-the-package audio.

    A reviewer's dirty
    model cleaning a small airpod speaker with the pen

    Promising review: "Saw these on a TikTok video and took a chance. I ordered three for different family members and boy am I glad I did! This product is fantastic! It does exactly what it says it will do. The brush is phenomenal in cleaning out the little grates on the speakers of my phone and AirPods. There is a pick that you can use to get big chunky ear wax out of your earpieces and the long skinny wand thing reaches down into my charging case and gets all the junk out of there. This is a win-win-win!" —JMilwaukee

    Get it from Amazon for $5.59+ (available in two colors). 

    4. Or a pack of earbud-cleaning putty to get all that gnarly gunk and built-up earwax from the crevices of your headphones. Reviewers also love it for helping their phone speakers return to that fresh out-of-the-box crispness instead of muffled sounds. Just press your earbud into the putty and gaze in awe — and potentially disgust — at all the crud that gets left behind.

    Promising review: "After seeing this on BuzzFeed and looking at the reviews along the way, I literally bought this because of another review that said it fixed her muffled iPhone 11. So glad I did!! I had the exact same issue with hearing people on my iPhone 11 and was SO frustrated. But this worked instantly. Stuffed a square of the putty into the very small receiver you hear out of and for the first time in months I can hear people clearly and loudly out of my iPhone without being on speakerphone. I am so happy I don't have to get a new phone. I used them to clean my AirPods as well; it was good to see all the gunk come out despite not having an issue with sound for them. Definitely a great purchase." —jtd

    Get a 12-pack from Amazon for $11.99+ (also available in a 24-pack).

    5. A Migraine Stick for people who frequently suffer from headaches, but don't love taking Advil every time they come up. This blend of peppermint, spearmint, and lavender oils will help soothe the pain so you can go about your business. 

    It's made by a small biz specializing in migraine relief products!

    Read more about aromatherapy and stress and tension at Johns Hopkins.

    Promising review: "I hate swallowing pills and they often don't do anything when I have a migraine or headache coming on, so I gave the migraine stick a try. This stuff is MAGICAL. It smells nice, is easy to take everywhere (doesn't leak), easy to apply, and works like a CHARM. My headache/migraines are either gone within minutes or the pain is relieved enough that I can fall asleep and sleep it off. It's 100% worth it. Buy this!!!" —Madison J.

    Read BuzzFeed's review of the migraine stick for more deets!

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    6. Eyeshadow patches to achieve those ~crisp~ eyeliner and shadow lines that you cannot ever seem to get perfect by just freehanding. Not to mention it'll help protect the rest of your face from fallen makeup.

    a model's eye with the patch underneath putting on eyeshadow / the models eye with a crisp line from where the patch was
    a reviewer shows the clean line of eyeshadow after using the patches

    These have adhesive on the back so nothing moves around in the process.

    Promising review: "My prayers were finally answered. I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time. It keeps eye shadow from getting on the cheeks, which tends to happen every time I apply eyeshadow. These strips catch all the falling eye makeup. I’m glad I found them. Highly recommend." —Frequent shopper

    Get a 120-pack from Amazon for $6.95

    7. A terra-cotta sugar-saver because your brown sugar is NOT in fact ruined just because it got all hard and clumpy. This adorable little guy will bring it back to life (and help keep it that way!) and have you baking homemade cookies in no time.

    a reviewer's sugar bear inside a container filled with hard clumps of brown sugar
    a reviewer's same container now filled with soft brown sugar

    Just soak it in water for 20 minutes and place it in your sugar to soften and maintain moisture for approximately 3–6 months.

    Promising review: "I was nervous to try them in case they were a waste of money. Yesterday, I followed the directions, i.e. soaked them in water for 20 minutes, then plopped one each in containers of hard-as-concrete dark brown sugar and one of light brown sugar. I didn't dry them, just dropped them in on top. So today, I took the containers down and looked, and each container of formerly concrete-hard sugar was easy to measure out, no lumps, it's a miracle!" —NGS

    Get two from Amazon for $8.45+ (also available in a three-pack).

    8. Some seamless bra liners that will revolutionize your bra-wearing experience, especially on hot days. Not only does this absorb your dreaded under-boob sweat, but it also helps make a barrier between your skin and the underwire of your bra that digs in *so* uncomfortably. 

    Promising review: "This is one of those things that I wish I'd found years earlier. I've suffered from stress-induced under-boob sweat for most of my adult life. Also, I'm a lifelong Seattle girl who gets upset when it's warmer than 65 degrees outside. So when I stumbled upon this product, I was curious enough to buy a small pack. And yes, I've come back for MORE! For real, I won't put on a bra without one of these liners now. It absorbs all the moisture from heat and stress. And because it's a really soft bamboo/cotton mix, my skin is finally not feeling tortured under there! To the makers of this ingenious life-changing product: thank you thank you thank you! Sincerely, all the grateful ta-tas you've helped to care for." —Niko

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in women's sizes M–XXL, three colors, variety packs, and multiple pack sizes). 

    9. A firming eye cream with powerful, deep hydration to help reduce puffiness and dark circles. This cruelty-free and vegan cream is infused with vitamin C, vitamin E, rosehip seed oil, and hibiscus flower extract to help brighten and firm your skin. And all you have to do is pat a little bit of this under your eyes and carry on with your day (without any extra ~bag~gage).

    Promising review: "I found this eye cream on Instagram through an influencer and also seeing videos on TikTok and thought you know what, let me give it a try. And I have to say it's a great product. It's extremely moisturizing and feels great on the skin. I've been using it for just a little bit now and I've seen slightly less indentations around my eyes. So I'm excited to see after using it longer what my results are going to be! I say try it!" —Kindle Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in three sizes, two versions, and a two-pack). 

    10. A grooming rake that'll help you to the deepest levels of fur and undercoat on your fur baby. It's specifically designed for doggos with thick, dense fur or double coats, and it can help prevent future matting!

    Promising review: "We own, or should I say are owned by, two large breed dogs: a Newfoundland and a Pyrenees. We prefer a rake to help get those undercoats brushed out and it allows us to slowly work any knots out. Our last one had cracked during a move and eventually the brush had pulled out so we needed a new one. We have no complaints about this product and it does exactly what it is supposed to." —Dana S

    Get it from Amazon for $9.77.

    11. Or a grooming glove for all those pets who do *not* like to be brushed. Now you can trick them into thinking they are just getting some of their favorite pats, when really you're getting all that fur that would otherwise be embedded into your carpet.

    a reviewer holding the blue glove which is full of white fur
    a reviewer using the glove to brush their corgi

    Promising reviews: "My kitty has really long fur. I bought this because I know she doesn't like traditional brushes and loves to be petted. This thing works like a charm! I brush her about once a week and this thing is magic. Super easy to use, she thinks I'm just petting her. It's got an elastic band to keep it tight on your hand. when it comes to cleaning, it can be a little tricky but if you pull down along each finger and then grab at the palms it comes off fairly easily. I will definitely be buying one for my aunt and her cats." —Jenny Hahn

    "Solid product, great materials and thoughtfully designed. Most importantly - IT WORKS AS ADVERTISED! Just put on the glove and you are ready to go. First time I was able to take three large balls of hair off of my golden lab. And more importantly, he loved the attention and the nice scratch of the back! If you are looking for a really easy to use hair control product for your pooch - this is the one you want to buy!" —Doug K

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    12. An all-natural yoga mat spray because as much as you'd like to think wiping it down with a dry towel is enough…it's not. This will help clean off all the sweat, footprints, and whatever other debris has been living on your mat for who knows how long. Now you can spend child's pose smelling delicious citrus instead of stinky feet.

    Asutra is a WOC-owned business, in which Venus Williams is part owner and chief brand officer, making natural self-care products at an accessible price point. The products are made with organic plants, minerals, and essential oils and do not contain parabens, phthalates, or petroleum. This mat spray is made with tea tree oil to help kill bacteria on the mat. It also comes with a microfiber towel to help you clean.

    Promising review: "This spray arrives and performs exactly as advertised. It smells great and works effectively to clear my mat of any grime I bring home from the studio floor. I have used it for both deep cleaning and a quick mat wipe-down after class. My mat has never looked or smelled better." —Ang_G

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in two sizes, seven scents, and multipacks).

    13. A pair of copper-infused compression sleeves for some extra arch support that *won't* limit your range of motion. Slide it on just like a sock, and it can help relieve heel and arch pain caused by many issues from bunions to plantar fasciitis.

    A model wearing a pair of Copper Compression Arch Support sleeves on their feet

    And (like socks) you can toss them in the wash when they start to smell a little funky.

    Read more about how a lack of arch support can aggravate plantar fasciitis at the American Podiatric Medical Association.

    Promising review: "Worked as advertised. I had really bad pain for a few weeks. Within two days of wearing these, the pain was mostly gone. I use them during the day, very comfortable. Worth the investment." —mrgadget

    Get a pair from Amazon for $9.95+ (available in four colors, two styles, and a two-pack).

    14. Bio-Oil with sooo many potential uses — fading scars, soothing cracked skin, moisturizing without clogging your pores — try it out and you may just discover the next big thing to put it on. Once your friends find out about this, it's gonna be like the sisterhood of the traveling oil!!

    Promising review: "Holy grail product. This is an amazing product. I have sensitive skin, but this has not affected me negatively at all. This product is amazing. It took about three months for me to get wonderful results. There is a slight, somewhat medicinal smell, but I actually kind of like it. If you have scars of any kind, I would highly recommend giving this product a try. I have an old burn scar on my hand; no matter what I used it never seemed to fade in the slightest. I’ve been using Bio-Oil on it for about three months now and it’s made such a difference! It’s basically completely gone! Such a better result than I was expecting! I was only hoping to fade it slightly." —sarah_baerah

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95.

    15. An ear-washing bottle because no matter how good using a cotton swab feels, it's probably doing more harm than good. With this, you can actually get wax out instead of pushing it in deeper. Insert the plastic tip, pump the water a few times, and gasp when you see what has been stuck in your ear this whole freaking time.

    reviewer's bottle with attachment to go in your ear
    reviewer's two clumps of earwax next to a nickel for size comparison

    Promising review: "My son has earaches all the time. Took him to ear doctor and they basically said he's got a lot of ear wax buildup and to purchase this item. I was skeptical at first but as soon as I used it on my son, he had so much relief because all of the hardened wax was pumped out. I use it on myself and it's worth every penny and so much cheaper than going to the ear doctor every other month." —Tootie

    Get it from Amazon for $29.45.

    16. A Shark Tank-approved tattoo aftercare salve designed to soothe, protect, and *enhance* your ink no matter how long ago you got it. This stuff is made from just seven (!!) vegan and cruelty-free ingredients and works to make colorful or all-black tattoos pop. And yes, even reviewers with sensitive skin say it works great for them, too!

    a reviewer's arm tattoo labeled
    a reviewer's same arm tattoo labeled

    Mad Rabbit is a small biz found by college friends Oliver Zak and Selom Agbitor after seeing a gap in the market for all-natural products to heal, protect and enhance tattoos. They pitched their tattoo salve in season 12 of Shark Tank.

    Promising review: "Product was awesome. It rejuvenated a 5-year-old tattoo and made it look like new again. Mad Rabbit absorbed into the skin very easily without being greasy." —Janson Ward

    Get it from Amazon for $18.98 (available in two scents).

    17. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff because this slightly abrasive paste is literally amazing and can clean all the dirt and grime off any surface that you couldn't get rid of with any other products (without extra elbow grease)!!

    reviewer's dirty baking dish before using the pink stuff
    reviewer's same dish sparkly clean after using pink stuff

    Promising review: "THIS STUFF IS MAGIC. If you’re questioning getting this to clean harder stains or anything, this is your review to read! I was a little skeptical because I’ve tried many things to clean my shower door with the hard-water stains and nothing really ever got it completely clean...this stuff did! I wish I would have taken before pictures. It did take a couple of applications and some scrubbing, but honestly I didn’t have to scrub hard, just used a wet cloth and this and my shower door is now completely clean without any hard water stains! I’m obsessed. Now to see what else I can clean with it." —R. Ford

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99 (also available in different variations).

    18. bottle-emptying cap since somehow no one has designed a bottle that will perfectly empty out every last drop of the product?! IDK about you but I would rather cut open my bottle of lotion than let like 1/6th of it go to waste just because it won't pump out any more. But with this, I won't have to!!

    reviewer's gray bottle emptying can propping up an upside down body lotion bottle
    reviewer's bottle emptying kit being used to transfer the contents of one bottle to another

    See one TikToker's positive review here

    Each kit includes three adapters in different sizes to fit pretty much any bottle. 

    Promising review: "Well worth it! Think of all the product in bottles you waste every year by not using something like this. It certainly covers the cost of this item! I love it!" —Rock360

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (also available in multipacks). 

    19. A set of bedsheet fasteners designed to prevent you from waking up in the middle of the night frustrated that the fitted sheet isn't staying ~fitted~ to the mattress...AGAIN.

    Promising review: "I love these! Since I started using them my sheets haven’t popped off once, and that used to be a several-times-a-night problem I had because I toss and turn when I sleep. Thank you TikTok!" —Gabby

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in three colors and as a set of eight). 

    20. A hair treatment infused with collagen to help restore your hair. Reviewers are even saying it's comparable to Olaplex (and less than one-third of the price)! 

    Check out rave reviews from folks with fine hair, curly hair, and type 4c hair.

    Promising review: "This mask is a holy grail for my hair. It makes it incredibly smooth, soft, and revitalized. I loved it so much that I bought my mom one as well." —Maneet Gill

    Get it from Amazon for $6.68.

    Read our Elizavecca's CER-100 hair protein treatment review to learn more about why my colleague calls it, "the miracle product I've been searching for."

    21. A pack of produce bags to help you keep your produce fresh longer because that stuff is ~expensive~ and we are NOT about to waste half of it because it got all mushy. These bags work by absorbing ethylene gas fruits and veggies emit, which helps slow down the decomposition process.

    A fridge shelf with produce in the green-tinted bags

    Promising review: "These bags really work as advertised. I use these to keep bananas ripe for several days. I have used them for several years and they are one of the best items I have ever used. Do not hesitate to purchase them, they are well worth the small price!" —mom

    Get a pack of 30 gallon-size bags from Amazon for $10.99 (also available in a pack of 60 or 90).

    22. A plant-based cooking oil solidifier so you can stop pouring leftover oil into a makeshift tinfoil bowl in your sink's drain — where it lives for hours while it solidifies (anyone else? Can't just be me…). Just sprinkle the powder in while it's hot, let it cool, and easily dispose of the solidified grease in the trash!

    FryAway is a woman- and Latine-owned small business started by Laura Lady, who loves both cooking and being kind to the planet. They donate 1% of revenue to nonprofits focused on water conservation.

    Promising review: "Honestly I didn’t know if this would work, waiting for it to cool down made me nervous, but once it was at room temperature it was solid. It popped out of the fryer so nicely. Worth every penny." —Emma

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    23. And a "Bacon Bin," aka now you can stop ruining your drains by pouring down bacon drippings. This lets you easily store it all in a small (reusable) container, and then you can even use it for future cooking endeavors!

    bacon grease being poured into the red bacon bin, which is next to a plate of bacon

    Check out a TikTok of the bacon bin in action. 

    Talisman Designs is a small business that specializes in at-home cooking and entertaining products. 

    Promising review: "This thing is awesome. Big enough to hold plenty of grease without taking up a ton of space. I keep mine in the butter compartment of my fridge next to the butter. I poured the grease right from the pan, still very hot right into it, and popped the lid on and put it in the fridge. Next time I needed some grease, I scooped some out with a spoon, no muss no fuss. Much better than the glass jar I was using. My only warning is if you get it out when people are visiting keep an eye on it. It's so cute and so good at its job everyone will want one. This is an awesome gift idea. The little box it comes in is so cute with its little piggie face sticking out. Anyone who cooks with grease will love this." —John Dollard

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99.

    24. Wart-removing pads so you can finally remove that bump that has been tormenting you. All you have to do is apply the self-adhering bandage and prepare to rid yourself of the wart. 

    Promising review: "I had a hideous wart on one of my left toes that just wouldn't go away. I tried cutting it off and applying a peeling solution on it, but it came coming back with a vengeance. It was a cause of irritation and embarrassment and I couldn't even wear slides or flip-flops over the summer. Until I found this product. I checked CVS, Rite Aid, and Target, and this was still the best-priced product, so I bought a box to try. Without even a month of using these medicated pads, the wart is gone! I have no complaints about the adhesion cuz it was completely intact after 48 hours of putting it on, despite getting them wet a lot (I shower twice a day). Within a week of using these, the tough top of the wart started to peel off with the medicated pad. I decided to continue using the medicated pad to ensure the roots of the wart went away as well. Now, there are NO traces of the wart, at all! I am super happy about this product and recommend it to whoever needs to get rid of a wart." —Elaine Corpin

    Get 14 pads from Amazon for $7.29 (available in three other versions).

    25. A super popular, reusable ChomChom roller to remove all the pet hair that is still on your couch even after you've vacuumed. This little tool works on pretty much any surface — furniture, upholstery, blankets, clothes — and you don't have to worry about constantly ripping off *another* sticky sheet because one quick swipe typically fills those regular rollers up. (At least it does when I try to use one to clean my clothes...).

    Reviewer's black pillow covered in white dog hair and you can clearly see which side they brushed with the fur remover because all the dog hair is gone in that section
    reviewer's pet hair remover filled with hair

    Promising review: "This thing is magical and I wish I had found it sooner. Even the most stubborn of dog hairs that have been seemingly woven into the fabric of your couch are no match for the ChomChom. The satisfying click of the roller will have you ChomChom-ing every surface you possibly can, while your dog looks at you in cold betrayal for removing his precious fur deposits. He plots revenge against this new nemesis, revenge that is doomed to fail from the start, because the ChomChom is far too powerful. Meanwhile, you are transfixed by the serotonin rush filling your brain as your ChomChom fills with more and more hair, leaving a path of de-furred sofa in its wake. The dog barks in disapproval. You smile, finally sitting on fur-free furniture for the first time in a long time. Maybe you’ll even have friends over now." —Will

    Get it from Amazon for $23.99+ (available in three colors).

    26. A set of gold cable organizers so you don't have to fight to untangle your cords (or worse, somehow shove yourself behind your desk because they've fallen into the abyss) every time your computer alerts you that you're at 15% battery. Plus these will just add a chic lil' flair to your otherwise plain desk.

    A set of two gold finished round cable organizers installed on a desk with a charger wire running through them
    The cord organizers in white, black, and brass

    Brighttia is a New York-based Etsy shop established in 2018 that specializes in industrial and modern interior lighting and decor.

    Promising review: "These brass cable organizers are beautiful and high quality. I’m using two of them to keep a plug-in sconce cord attached to the wall and to direct the cord to the electrical outlet. These little gold pieces add a touch of functionality and glamour to the sconces. Exactly what I was looking for." —Amy Margolis

    Get a set of two from Brighttia on Etsy for $11.98+ (available in 12 colors and multipacks).

    27. A stainless-steel tongue scraper designed to scrape away your bad breath, but reviewers have also found that it helped them experience flavors more intensely! Squeaky clean mouth AND more flavorful food? Sign me up!

    before of a reviewer with a thick white film on their tongue
    the same reviewer's tongue with the white film scraped off

    Promising review: "I hate brushing my tongue, I also hate having bad breath, decided to try a tongue scraper. I was skeptical about the claim that it doesn’t trigger the gag reflex but I gave it a try and it’s amazing. It doesn’t make me gag like brushing, it cleans my tongue way more effectively than brushing and the gunk doesn’t come back as fast. My breath smells better, things taste better and my mouth feels cleaner. I love this thing!" —Jo. K.

    Get two from Amazon for $6.49+ (available in seven varieties).

    28. A set of Wad-Free pads so you don't have to run your dryer like three times just to have your sheets actually come out dry. (Can you tell this just happened to me last week?)

    model holding the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    Wad-Free is a small business established in 2020 after the founder, Cyndi Bray, learned computer-aided design to create the pads.

    Promising review: "THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!!! I saw a TikTok about these and decided to order. Sheets balling all up in the washer and dryer has been a pet peeve of mine for forever. I was super skeptical of these, but I tried it, and it works as advertised! It’s a little on the expensive side IMO, and that’s kinda holding me back from purchasing a second set, but they really do work." —StrangerThings

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.99 (also available as a set of four).

    29. A concentrated allergen spray you just add water to in order to create a concoction that can help reduce airborne and surface allergens from pets, mites, and more! If only there was a spray to get rid of the rest of life's problems. 🤔

    Allergy Asthma Cleaning Store is a family-owned business making cleaning goods for the whole family. If you suffer from pet allergies, it's recommended you spray this daily. For dust mite allergies, try three times a week.

    Promising review: "I am honestly and simply amazed by this product. It lived up to all it promoted. The true test was a long visit from my daughter who is highly allergic to my cat. Typically the visits are cut short due to constant sneezing or drowsiness from allergy medication. I’m sooo pleased to say she spent hours at my house Christmas Eve and never sneezed once. I spray often and especially before her arrival. Works like a charm!" —Di

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    30. First Aid Beauty's KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub Exfoliant, because even though I promise no one other than you actually notices those little bumps on your arms, you want them gone and all power to ya!! Reviewers with skin conditions like keratosis pilaris swear by this product!

    Before and after of a reviewer with bumps on their arm and without
    A model rubbing the cream into their arm

    Check out a TikTok of the KP bump eraser in action. 

    Read more about how to treat keratosis pilaris at home at the American Academy of Dermatology.

    Promising review: "I've recently had a problem with these weird, itchy, acne-like bumps all over my chest and shoulders. I’ve tried tons of washes, creams, treatments, etc. but nothing seemed to be working and then I saw a review of this scrub on TikTok and decided to try it. I shower every morning and take about a fingertip full of the scrub and gently rub it over my chest and shoulders then wash it off, and after a couple of weeks my skin was already getting so much better; and I have super sensitive skin too so I’m impressed it didn’t get irritated. Overall would definitely recommend!" —Olivia Parker

    Get it from Amazon for $12

    31. A high-ponytail running cap with UPF 50 protection so you can rock your fave high pony while keeping the sun out of your face.

    Model showing back of the hat where there's a cross hatch design to support a high ponytail
    Model wearing a blue version outdoors in workout gear
    Vimhue / Etsy, www.instagram.com

    Check out a TikTok of the Vimhue running hats in action. 

    Vimhue is an Arizona-based, woman-owned small business that specializes in uniquely engineered running hats.

    Promising review: "Love this hat so much! I already ordered another one in a different color for myself and one for a friend! I live in Texas near the Gulf — really humid and really hot. I walk three to four miles outside most days and I’d been wishing for a hat that allowed for a high ponytail so I could keep my hair off my neck to not get as hot/sweaty. Decided to Google it and found this and was thrilled! The X straps are easy to adjust and it fits great and is breathable. And it’s super cute!" —mlp06h

    Get it from Vimhue on Etsy for $29 (available in 21 colors and many other styles). 

    32. A DogBuddy pooper scooper to put an end to picking up hot, smushy dog doo doo with only a thin layer of plastic to protect you. This has built-in bags so you can just pull one over the scoop and bag the 💩 up. Reviewers also love that you can use the same bag several times during one walk!

    a reviewer holding the dog buddy with bags attached to their dog's leash
    a reviewer showing the dog buddy open

    Check out a TikTok of the DogBuddy scooper in action. 

    DogBuddy is a small business specializing in pet care products including bowls, mats, and scoopers. 

    Promising review: "I normally don’t leave reviews but this is amazing! It’s easy to use and saves so many dog bags if you’re taking a number of dogs on a walk because you don’t need to open a new bag for each poop. It also makes the whole process a lot less gross. I would 100% recommend this for dog walks and even picking up poop in the backyard. It holds a lot more than you’d think!" —Joslyn Cavitt

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in two sizes and four colors). 

    33. A retainer cleaner because if you're actually following your dentist's instructions of wearing 'em every day, you'll know no matter how much you brush them, they get coated in some nasty film and turn yellow. These fizzing tablets will help eliminate that from even the hard-to-reach areas, while also getting rid of that funky smell they've developed.  

    Reviewer's Invisalign, which look slightly yellow
    The same Invisalign looking significantly cleaner

    Promising review: "I really loved this product. I am currently waiting for a new Invisalign set. My old Invisalign needed to be cleaned. I read the reviews and decided to purchase. OMG it worked! There was a fresh taste and they were clean. I wished I had found this product sooner. I did let them soak overnight only because I had been wearing them for the last four months. Nothing happened to Invisalign; there was no weakness or anything. Just very clean and fresh. If I could have given the product 10 stars I would have." —Lisa R.

    Get 120 tablets from Amazon for $18.73 (also available in a 240-pack).

    34. A bottle of Tend Skin Solution so you can finally say goodbye to the razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and razor burn that somehow ALWAYS appear after you shave, no matter how much you exfoliate or moisturize.

    Promising review: "After many years of razor burn on my face/neck, I finally broke down and bought this per friend's recommendation. I have sensitive skin and had given up hope that anything could help. This totally changed my outlook on shaving. My neck especially would be the worst. I dab it on immediately after I rinse and dry, post-shave. It does burn a bit but that goes away pretty quickly. Totally worth it to not have razor burn/bumps anymore. I only apply it once after shaving even though the directions recommend repeat applications the following day. Go ahead and purchase, you won't be disappointed!" —bill nye

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in two sizes).

    35. A double layer litter-trapping mat because you still haven't figured out how to toilet train your cats and you're tired of feeling like you are walking on a beach when you go past their box.

    This mat is water-resistant and has a unique design to not only trap the litter, but keep it between the two layers so you can easily dump it back into the box instead of wasting it.

    Promising review: "I have purchased A LOT of mats that are supposed to help with litter control and have had very little success with finding anything worth using long term. Until now!! I bought two of these mats….one for under the litter box and one for outside in front of the box as the cats jump out and go on their way. So far these mats have caught 99% of the litter! They are very sturdy, yet soft. Before I bought these, I was constantly sweeping litter at the doorway and vacuuming the pieces that somehow made it to the rug. Not anymore!!! These mats catch nearly all litter. They are easy to clean. And very easy to pick up and dump. This will now be my forever go-to mat. And if you don’t have cats and just need something easy to clean to catch outside dirt and such, get this!! Worth every penny!!!" —HB

    Get it from Amazon for $14.89+ (available in two sizes, three colors, and two-packs). 

    36. A set of water-absorbent wristbands so you can stop dealing with soaking wet sleeves and puddles of water on your counter while you wash your face. These wristbands will stop the water in its tracks before it can make its way to your elbow and all over your bathroom.

    Promising reviews: "I got so frustrated when I went to wash off my makeup at night and water rolled down to my elbow and got the sink/floor wet. I saw somebody with something similar and knew I needed these. I love them." —Anissa

    "Love these! Never been happier to wash my face in my life. I absolutely hate water running down my arms and these are perfect for this issue and have been! I’m also plus size and have had no issue putting these on. Love the colors too!" —Vivian

    Get a four-pair set from Amazon for $8.98+ (available in 10 color combinations).

    37. A pack of light-dimming stickers because yes, those little dots of light are enough to keep you up at night — especially if they are flashing. 😖

    Split of a reviewer's alarm clock, top labeled
    Split of reviewer's Xbox controller, in the top labeled

    The pack comes with a variety of shapes and sizes so you can dim anything from the annoying dot of light on your TV to the time on your alarm clock.

    Promising review: "If you are like me and have to cover up the random LED lights on an alarm clock or floor fan to prevent them from beaming into your retinas when you’re trying to sleep, I highly suggest picking these stickers up. Even though they’re opaque, they block enough light to where it’s no longer noticeable in the room. An added (and likely intentional) benefit of the stickers is that you can still clearly see the power buttons and indicator lights of an electronic. Overall I totally recommend buying if you want to stop laying a random sock in front of your alarm clock light lol." —Heather

    Get 100 stickers from Amazon for $1.49.

    38. A black car scratch remover for helping get rid of all the reminders of the times you banged into your garage, hit a pole, or side-swiped your mailbox. And this is seriously cheaper than heading to an auto shop, so it's definitely worth a try.

    Before of reviewer's car with white scratches around the tire
    Same reviewer's car that looks brand new and has no noticeable scratches

    Promising review: "Easy to apply with a little elbow grease. Does a very good job removing swirls and light scratches. I used the black/dark paint version and it worked very well on my Kia Stinger. Left a nice polished looking surface and filled in the small imperfections. It even improved a deep scratch I had on the side and made it less visible. It completely removed a mark where a rubber bike handle had rubbed against the car and dulled the paint. Works as advertised and is really pretty easy to apply." —AudioJunkie

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99.

    39. A fabric shaver, because the little pilled up balls of fabric all over your clothes are not it. With a quick swipe you will watch all those balls disappear, leaving the item looking fresh and new.

    *If using on clothing, make sure to hold it tight so the shaver doesn't catch and make a hole.*

    If you get the battery-operated version, you'll also need AA batteries

    Promising review: "A literal MUST-BUY!! Bought this for my couch after seeing so many people reviewing it on social media and it worked like a charm! Those little lint balls were so frustrating after I would wash my cushion covers but this little tool fixed that problem in minutes. About to go use this on everything I own!!" —Ashley

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available as rechargeable or battery-operated and in six colors).

    The reviews used in this post have been edited for length and clarity.