We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    28 Products Reviewers Say Are So Good They Already Bought Them Again

    Going back to buy the same product several times truly is one of the highest forms of praise.

    1. Nooni tinted appleberry lip oil made with vitamins A, C, and E, and soothing apple water to help moisturize your lips without that ~cringe-worthy~ sticky sensation. Your lips will look naturally flushed and perfectly kissable. 💋

    Reviewer holding the appleberry lip oil with it applied on lips
    A reviewer's before and after showing more moisturized, glossy pink lips

    This lip oil is vegan, cruelty-free, and has no parabens, sulfates, or phthalates.

    Promising reviews: "Bought this product again cause it’s amazing and great for my lips." —Jose

    "This is the first lip oil I've ever used. Usually, I avoid anything with oil because I have very sensitive and generally oilier skin, but I wanted to give this a try because I wanted something sheer and pretty for a natural makeup look. Probably the best purchase I've ever made!!! It's super sheer and looks fine on its own without any other makeup. The smell is delicious, and while the gloss dries and fades after about an hour or two without eating, the color stays all day! I did have to reapply after eating, but not after drinking water! I just wish it was bigger, it's a teeny bottle. Would definitely buy again!!" —Rachel

    Get it from Amazon for $12+ (available in nine colors and multipacks).

    2. Some seamless bra liners that will revolutionize your bra-wearing experience, especially on hot days. Not only do these absorb your dreaded underboob sweat, but they also help make a barrier between your skin and the underwire of your bra that digs in *so* uncomfortably. 

    Promising reviews: "Absorbs sweat and stays in place. Very comfortable. Bought three more!" —CC

    "This is one of those things that I wish I'd found years earlier. I've suffered from mortifying stress-induced underboob sweat for most of my adult life. Also, I'm a lifelong Seattle girl who gets upset when it's warmer than 65 degrees outside. So when I stumbled upon this product, I was curious enough to buy a small pack. And yes, I've come back for MORE! For real, I won't put on a bra without one of these liners now. It absorbs all the moisture from heat and stress. And because it's a really soft bamboo/cotton mix, my skin is finally not feeling tortured under there! To the makers of this ingenious life-changing product: thank you thank you thank you! Sincerely, all the grateful ta-tas you've helped to care for." —Niko

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in women's sizes M–XXL, three colors, variety packs, and multiple pack sizes). 

    3. An adorable beginner's crochet kit so you can pick up a new hobby that ends with a growing collection of super cute little animal buddies. 

    The Woobles is an Asian-owned small biz selling the cutest beginner crochet kits! You might recognize them from Shark Tank! The kit comes with everything you need to get started: 'easy-peasy' yarn, a pre-started yarn piece, eyes, a needle, a crochet hook, stuffing, a bag that holds everything, and video tutorials.

    Promising review: "I have tried 'beginner' knitting kits, and spent hundreds of dollars on them only to never actually figure it out. I thought I would try crochet, and I was SO RELIEVED to realize that this kit is TRULY for ANYONE literally brand new to crochet. I have an 8-month-old son and I love that I can make these little animals for him! (They have a child-safe option to embroider the eyes instead of using the 'safety eyes' — the plastic ones — which is ANOTHER BONUS!) Add to all that this super reasonable price, and I ended up finishing the penguin in three days and immediately bought a bunch more of these kits. A new favorite relaxing hobby for mommy down time!!! Obsessed!" —Starstruck Ranch

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99+ (available in seven versions and a multipack).

    4. Elizabeth Mott's Thank Me Later Eye Primer, which will help make sure that smoky eye (that you spent way longer on than you'd like to admit) actually lasts through the night instead of melting off your face as soon as you walk out the door.

    reviewer holding product tube
    reviewer in purple eyeshadow labeled
    reviewer with eyeshadow looking the same labeled

    Promising review: "I have never been a big eyeshadow person but have become one every once in a while. I've used this for about five months and I am still on the first tube I ordered. A little bit goes a long way. You do have to rub it in, it is white. I can put my eye makeup on at 6 a.m. and take it off at 3 a.m. and it still looks like it was just applied. I bought it again because I am getting low. Can't imagine eyeshadow without it. Worth every penny." —Kadee

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    5. A retainer cleaner because if you're actually following your dentist's instructions of wearing your retainer every day, you'll know no matter how much you brush it, it gets coated in some nasty film and turns yellow. These fizzing tablets will help eliminate that from even the hard-to-reach areas, while also getting rid of that funky smell it's developed. 

    Reviewer's Invisalign, which look slightly yellow
    The same Invisalign looking significantly cleaner

    Promising reviews: "The product is terrific. I have bought it twice and will do so again." —Larry Fuller

    "I really loved this product. I am currently waiting for a new Invisalign set. My old Invisalign needed to be cleaned. I read the reviews and decided to purchase. OMG it worked! There was a fresh taste and they were clean. I wished I had found this product sooner. I did let them soak overnight only because I had been wearing them for the last four months. Nothing happened to Invisalign; there was no weakness or anything. Just very clean and fresh. If I could have given the product 10 stars I would have." —Lisa R.

    Get 120 tablets from Amazon for $19.81 (available in two other quantities).

    6. Some room-darkening velvet curtains that people won't believe came from Amazon OR that a set of 'em cost under $100!! With so many colors to choose from, you can make sure your vibe is matched ~perfectly.~

    A reviewer's velvet curtains in dark slate.
    A reviewer's velvet curtains in dark slate.

    Heads up: These babies are sold as single panels so if you want or need a matching set, then you'll want to make sure you up the quantity to two.

    Promising reviews: "I loved them so much that I ordered some in cream for a different room. My daughter-in-law saw them, loved them, and ordered them too!" —John Hartmann

    "I was looking for some blackout velvet curtains to help with the light and warmth in our bedroom. These curtains are super soft, so a great job of blocking the light and are very affordable. I’m very impressed for the price! Would purchase again." —Boxwood & Spruce

    Get them from Amazon for $33.99+ (available in five sizes and 25 colors).

    7. A bag of freeze-dried sour Skittles for a ~crunchyyyy~ twist on a candy staple. This kind of treat is all the rage and you may not be able to eat the regular version again, take one bite and you're going to be transported out of this world. 👽🌎

    reviewer holding a bag of colorful freeze dried skittles
    close up of reviewer's skittles showing where they are split apart from freeze drying

    Space Age Snacks is a small business that specializes in small batch freeze-dried candy. 

    Promising reviews: "I would recommend this business 100%. The candy was great and the packaging and stickers are awesome. Thank you, I already ordered more." —alyssa testa

    "Honestly, I didn't know what to expect going in, but I was pleasantly surprised. Skittles normally taste alright, but having them freeze-dried really made the flavors POP, and genuinely I feel like they had more flavor than normal Skittles. (Then again, that might just be my head playing it up knowing it's a first, who knows, who cares.) Very delicious." —John Blake

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in two flavors and two sizes; and check out the rest of their freeze-dried candy for more options). 

    8. A reusable cap that uses compression and cooling effects to help quickly soothe your headache. It's so comfortable, you might even reach for it when you aren't in pain. 

    Read more about how temperature therapy can help with migraine prevention at Mayo Clinic.

    Wow is this thing nice. I keep mine in the fridge and I'll grab it if I feel a headache coming on. Sometimes if the headache is really bad I'll put it on and take a nap and when I wake up the headache is completely gone. I also use it while working/watching TV and in that case I just don't pull it down all the way so it won't cover my eyes. Honestly I would use this even if I didn't have a headache because it just feels so soothing to have the cool compression on your head. Highly recommend if you are a frequent headache sufferer. 

    Promising review: "I love these. I've actually bought five of them to keep in rotation at this point. The compression just on its own (not frozen/cooled) is great. I prefer to keep my head caps in the fridge. This is because it's a little too cold on bare skin frozen (I also only have a tiny apartment freezer). If they're frozen, I use a cloth between the cap and my head. Just as a side note; the black perfectly blocks all light but the lighter colors are not as effective at light blocking." —Kelly Foegen

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99+ (available in one- or two-pack, two sizes, and four colors).

    9. An outrageously popular Differin gel beloved by reviewers for helping get rid of existing acne *and* working to prevent new pimples from forming with its prescription-strength retinoid. Go ahead and order a couple of bottles — this is now a staple in your beauty routine. 

    Because of the prescription-strength retinoid, make sure to consult your dermatologist before introducing this into your skincare routine.

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Natalie Brown has tried this out on her own skin! Here are her takeaways: 

    "1. One pea-sized application per day is all it takes. 

    2. It's just as effective over moisturizer as it would be if you applied it directly to your skin. 

    3. Apply it at night, and you MUST wear sunscreen every day when you use this!"

    You can read her full review in this post "11 Products We Use, Love, And Swear By So Much, We Had To Share Them With You" at #6.

    Promising reviews: "I've already bought this previously and it worked wonders for my skin. It lasts a long time even though I use it most nights. Overall, great product." —Danielle

    "This product is a MAGIC ERASER on acne. This is the only product that works on my acne. It dried up my hormonal acne within one night! So I have mild hormonal acne due to menstrual cycle but after using this gel every night and following the directions in the package, it has really helped me get rid of acne and dark spots. This product did not break me out in initial use or even later. This one tube lasted me for a couple of months and a few days over. I love the results and I will buy another tube if my acne acts up again but for now I have clean and clear skin. Thanks Differin!" —KARTHICK RAVI

    Get it from Amazon for $14.39+ (available in two styles and four sizes).

    10. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner that is SO easy to use. Just throw one down the drain, run some water and the disposal, and watch the blue foam come up, cleaning out all the gunk and grime from years of testing new recipes. 

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising reviews: "I absolutely love this product! I’ve bought it a few times and love it every time. It leaves my sink smelling amazing and it’s super easy to use." —Jackie D.

    "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica House

    Get a pack of four from Amazon for $3.78+ (also available in multipacks).

    11. A handheld PureWine Wand designed to help you enjoy your wine without the dreaded headache the next day by removing the culprits —histamines and sulfates. And it aerates, which can help restore the taste of opened wine so you don't have to decide between drinking more than you want or wasting half a bottle.

    a model dunking the tea bag-like object into a wine glass
    three models holding wine glasses with the wands in them

    PureWine is a family-owned small business run by father and son David and Derek Meadows, who both suffered from wine headaches and allergies themselves. And in 2016, the PureWine Wand was born! 

    Just twist the charm, stir it around in your glass, let it soak for a few minutes, and enjoy your delicious glass of wine!

    Promising review: "These are absolute magic! I can't believe I've been drinking red wine without these! I stir for four to five minutes just to be sure and that's it! No more headaches or feeling sick the next day. I drink two glasses of wine a night on occasion but I always feel sick the next day. But no more! These make the wine taste so much better too! I'm so happy with this product and have already ordered more!" —Amazon Customer

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $11.99 (available in four other quantities).

    12. A tube of Essence's Lash Princess mascara because idk about you, but the thought of putting on fake lashes every day sounds like ~a lot~ of work, especially when products like this exist and can give you the same look with soo much less effort.

    Promising review: "I have been trying various brand-name mascaras for the past 50 years hoping to find a mascara that really worked for me. It wasn’t until on a whim I ordered and tried essence Lash Princess False Lash Effect that I found the one I have been searching for all this time. Wow! It is everything the advertising promises — voluminizing, long-wearing, non-clumping or flaking, lengthening, and non-irritating to my sensitive eyes! Started by ordering one, and have already ordered a couple more. I can’t say enough good things about this mascara, but will say, 'try it.' It is genuinely maximum value for minimal cost!" —Kindle Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    13. A wireless bra reviewers love for its smooth, comfortable, and supportive coverage (with no more spillage!!). It's basically the love child of a sports bra and traditional bra, so you can stop planning your outfits around which ones you feel comfortable going braless in.

    A reviewer with B or C cups wearing the bra in white and taking a mirror selfie
    A plus-size reviewer with larger boobs wearing a navy blue version of the bra

    Several reviewers also noted that it's comfortable and great for wearing under white T-shirts since it has a smooth finish.

    Promising review: "This is a great bra! I've bought a few bras online and returned most of them because they didn't fit or were not true to size. But this bra is a winner. It fits beautifully and looks great under clothes. I hand wash all my bras in Woolite and have washed this bra and it looks as good as it did when I first purchased it. I originally bought it in black and was so happy with it that I bought another one in beige. It's a great bra for the price." —Emily B.

    Get it from Amazon for $12.87+ (available in sizes 32B–42DD and 24 colors).

    14. Maybelline multi-use concealer that can not only conceal, but contour and correct as well. It works so well, even your friends who were out with you all night will think you got like 10 hours of sleep. This concealer provides you with 12 hours of moisture and medium coverage.

    Promising reviews: "I use this product for both full and targeted coverage. Found a great color for my skin tone. Totally pleased with the application and portability. I’ve bought at least three of these. Absolutely floored by the price and plan to buy again to always have on hand." —R.P.

    "As its name implies, this product erases discolorations of the skin or dark circles under the eyes. I use this product every day to give my skin a more even tone and to get rid of those dark spots and circles on my face that come with age. An added perk is that the product also moisturizes so it's a two-in-one tool. It is lightweight and yet provides total coverage of skin imperfections. Love this product!!" —Jessica

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in 37 shades, two sizes, and two-packs).

    15. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff because this slightly abrasive paste is literally amazing and can clean all the dirt and grime off any surface that you couldn't get rid of with any other products (without extra elbow grease)!

    reviewer's dirty baking dish before using the pink stuff
    reviewer's same dish sparkly clean after using pink stuff

    Promising reviews: "I bought this before because my daughter had a rust stain from a cast-iron pan on her granite countertop. We didn't think anything could remove it, so we gave this a shot. It worked perfectly! She was thrilled. I bought it again and am already using it around my house. It cleans just about anything! But, read the label first to see about what you can use it on. Enjoy!" —SJB

    "THIS STUFF IS MAGIC. If you’re questioning getting this to clean harder stains or anything, this is your review to read! I was a little skeptical because I’ve tried many things to clean my shower door with the hard-water stains and nothing really ever got it completely clean...this stuff did! I wish I would have taken before pictures. It did take a couple of applications and some scrubbing, but honestly I didn’t have to scrub hard, just used a wet cloth and this and my shower door is now completely clean without any hard water stains! I’m obsessed. Now to see what else I can clean with it." —R. Ford

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    16. A hair treatment infused with collagen to help restore your hair. Reviewers are even saying it's comparable to Olaplex (and less than one-third of the price)!

    Check out rave reviews from folks with fine hair, curly hair, and type 4c hair.

    Promising reviews: "I love this product and use it as a weekly mask to restore moisture, softness, and shine. It is very thick and washes out best with cooler water. I’ve bought this twice now, and will buy it again!" —Jenn Elwess

    "This mask is a holy grail for my hair. It makes it incredibly smooth, soft, and revitalized. I loved it so much that I bought my mom one as well." —Maneet Gill

    Get it from Amazon for $6.80.

    Read our Elizavecca's CER-100 hair protein treatment review to learn more about why my colleague calls it, "the miracle product I've been searching for."

    17. A set of pimple patches that are not only effective but also satisfying. Just place one of these on your zit, go to bed, and wake up to a drastically smaller bump — and a satisfying patch full of all the gunk it pulled out.

    Reviewer's chin with a large pimple and a pimple patch on top
    Same reviewer but now the pimple patch has a white circle in the middle

    Mighty Patch was created in 2017 by Hero Cosmetics, which is a woman- and Asian-owned company founded by current CEO Ju Rhyu. Hero Cosmetics now creates cleansers, toners, pimple patches, and more.

    Promising reviews: "I love these patches so much. I’m about to buy my third box of these. I have acne-prone skin and these actually help decrease the inflammation and size of the pimple overnight. Not completely of course, but it does help a good amount." —Emily

    "I love this product! I am an adult with acne. When new ones pop up, put one of these patches on at night and by the morning the pimple is gone. Poof! It even works to pull out cysts — but you need several days for those. I also have really sensitive skin and these don’t bother it one bit. I love these!!" —Rebekah W.

    Get a 36-count from Amazon for $11.97.

    18. Or some Peach Slices acne spot dots, a suuuper affordable option, great for anyone who may go through 'em pretty quickly. Not only will these help reduce pimple redness and size overnight, but they'll prevent you from picking (and some of us need that physical barrier to actually stop our bad habits). 

    Reviewer wearing small round sticker healing a zit
    Small clear dots on a sticker sheet

    Peach Slices is part of Peach & Lily, a skincare brand founded by celebrity esthetician Alicia Yoon that specializes in vegan beauty products made with recyclable packaging.

    Check out a TikTok of the acne spot dots in action. 

    Promising reviews: "I honestly love these!! I have bought them several times. They are super affordable and work just as well as expensive ones. They stay on throughout the night as well. If you’re looking for something to get rid of your acne on a budget, I say go with these — you will not be disappointed." —Kailah

    "This brand is so affordable and works just the same as the more expensive brands. I go through them so quickly so this is a plus! I’m generally a picker at my zits, but if I can get to one of these dots in time I save my face a lot of irritation and pain." —Savannah Wilson

    Get a pack of 30 from Amazon for $4.88 (also available in a 60-pack).

    19. A pair of high-waisted leggings beloved by reviewers as a great alternative to that one v popular athleisure brand…except these are ~way~ more affordable (we're talking $84 cheaper 😱). Get ready for your newest obsession — your closet is about to get a lottttt fuller.

    a reviewer sitting criss cross on the floor in the light purple leggings
    a reviewer wearing the leggings in black

    Promising reviews: "Very happy with these capri tights. They are so soft, the thin elastic at the top of the waistband doesn't dig in, and they don't 'droop' from the crotch with movement. Ordered three colors and plan to order other colors. The fabric is thin, which is a good thing in Florida, yet I believe the fabric is sturdy and of high quality." —Stephanie W.

    "Loved these leggings! I saw many influencers talk about them and finally took the chance and tried them! These feel almost identical to the Lululemon Align leggings that I have. Super soft and comfy! They don’t dig in! Can’t wait to try the pocket ones!" —Amazon Customer

    Get them from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in women's standard and plus sizes, two lengths, with or without pockets, and 27 colors/patterns).

    If you still aren't sold, check out our full review of the Satina high-waist leggings.

    20. Toilet bowl bombs you can just plop in your toilet to do all the heavy cleaning. Wait about 15–30 minutes, give it a quick wipe, and you'll have a ~pristine latrine~ waiting for you next time you need to go.

    the toilet bowl bombs in a glass jar with a plastic top. They're white squares.
    Viren Apothecary / Etsy

    They smell like eucalyptus and mint! Viren Apothecary is a small biz that makes these cool things and more in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

    The decorative jars contain 10 bowl bombs and the paper bags contain 12 bowl bombs.

    Promising review: "Second time purchasing these. The scent is great. Very nice seller and fast shipping. Thanks!" —Kit Delaney

    Get them from Viren Apothecary on Etsy for $9+ (available in three packaging options and an unscented version).

    21. An organic cat grass growing kit for your kitty who longs to explore the outside world or has a bad habit of chewing on everything in sight. This fiber-rich grass contains a variety of nutrients for your fur baby, including wheat grass, oat, barley, and rye. 

    reviewer's cat chewing on cat grass in a white mug
    reviewer's cat nuzzling the cat grass in a window

    This comes with an adorable cat face mug to plant in, seeds, and a soil dish. You can also buy refill kits. Add the soil disk, a splash of water, and a sprinkling of seeds, and watch your new plant grow.

    The Cat Ladies is a family-owned, southern California-based small business founded in 2015 by a mother-daughter duo who wanted to create unique, organic products for other passionate cat owners.

    Promising reviews: "I went and bought another one so I could rotate them and have a constant source of grass for my cat. Also subscribed for the refills. I can't grow anything so was stunned by how easily this grass grows." —Maryann Wells

    "As far as the flavor goes; the kitties seem to find it top notch! Was tall enough after only five days; but we held off for day six to make sure 'little destroyer' didn't pull it out by the roots! The cup opening keeps the shoots tight together unlike some you buy in the pet store. We couldn't be more pleased. We ordered a refill at the same time and plan to order again just to have two cups so my kids don't fight for position. No mold problems if you follow watering directions." —Kathleen M.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.94.

    22. A set of wool dryer balls that'll have you ditching your old fabric softener cause these can replace it *and* dryer sheets. On top of that, these also help reduce drying time and static so you don't have to worry about getting that horrible staticky hair when you toss your sweater on straight from the laundry.

    Promising review: "I have several clothing items that have care instructions that state 'fabric softener' so I stopped using dryer sheets or liquid clothes softener. However, there was a problem with static electricity. The wool dryer balls eliminated this problem. The laundry is wrinkle-free and static-free now. I am so happy about the results of this product that I bought four more of the packages to give to my adult daughters and my sisters. I recommend this product." —Michael Nestor

    Get a pack of four from Amazon for $8.99+ (also available in packs of six or 12).

    23. Londontown Illuminating Nail Concealer perfect if you want that Sofia Richie, luxe manicure vibe. It's also designed to help conceal any imperfections (yellowness, staining, etc.) with just a quick coat, but if you want more color, you can keep adding layers to reach your desired shade.

    Reviewer wearing concealer in pink
    Reviewer holding concealer

    Promising reviews: "Love love this color and it stays on without any issues. Very good product. Have bought before and will continue to buy. It is expensive but It works for me." —Bug

    "As much as I would love to have nice, manicured nails, I don’t spend money on manicures. Gels are damaging and regular manicures last a couple of days before peeling. I get regular pedicures bc they last, but my hands have looked pretty unkempt for much of my adult life. Until now. I was definitely skeptical that this polish could be any different from one of the countless neutral Essie shades out there that I’ve tried since the '90s — Ballet Slippers, Light as Linen, etc. — but I decided to give the milky shade a try and I’m so glad I did!!! My nails look incredible. I’m not even sure how to describe why but they look very natural and clean. It’s been a week of wearing two coats and there isn’t one bubble or lift forming on the edges. One coat actually looks great also. I am sold on this stuff. Hopefully it will never be discontinued. So so happy." —Jann

    Get it from Amazon for $20 (available in five colors).

    24. A set of reusable lash clusters so you can get those gorgeous long, curled lashes at home without the time or monetary commitment of getting them done at a salon every few weeks. 

    reviewer wearing multiple sized lashes
    another reviewer wearing the clusters

    Be sure to grab some eyelash adhesive and a lash applicator!

    Promising reviews: The band on these lashes is very thin and comfortable. These can be stacked if you prefer extra volume, but it's really unnecessary. The value for the price is exceptional. I have bought these several times. I overlap each cluster just slightly for a seamless appearance and better adhesion. You won't regret giving these a chance!" —Susanne

    "These clusters are AMAZING!! I've been posting a bunch about them and recommending to all my friends. They save me so much time when getting ready, and they were super easy to apply! This was my very first time doing clusters, and I’m the most beginner you can be, but it was so easy!! Directions were straightforward and easy to follow. Definitely recommend 100% and will definitely buy again in the future." —shirleyh

    Get them from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in tons of lengths and styles).

    25. An Owala stainless-steel water bottle, which is the first uniquely designed bottle to be all the rage. (Move over Stanley Cup!) It has two drinking options — a small opening for sipping like a straw and a larger one for swigging. And perhaps one of the best features is a leak-proof lid so your straw is covered when you aren't drinking, which means you aren't just leaving it exposed to all the sus elements 24/7!!

    reviewer holding the water bottle in the white/pink/gray/purple color
    reviewer holding the water bottle in the green/orange color

    It also has a carrying loop and keeps your drinks cold for 24 hours!

    Promising review: "I have four of these bottles and ABSOLUTELY LOVE everything about them. I 100% recommend getting this water bottle. I originally bought my first one to try out when we go riding on our four-wheelers to keep my drink dirt-free. This was a winner and I immediately bought another for my boyfriend...then I bought a couple for us to use at home, and now I am buying more to replace our Tervis and Rtic ones. I laugh at the Stanley-obsessed people and just hope they don't catch on to how awesome these water bottles are, I don't want them messing up our supply 😁." —Teresa Watson

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in 21 colors and four sizes).

    26. A set of cable clip organizers so your cords can stay put exactly where you want them rather you than having to fish behind your nightstand every day before bed because your charger fell into the abyss, again

    close up of mountable cable clips

    Promising reviews: "I'm currently using them in my car to keep track of all the phone chargers and I also have one on my nightstand so that my cord doesn't fall on the floor and is easy to access. Update: I bought another set and this time I use them in my craft room to hold up all the cords on my table for easy access." —Alicia Lynch

    "It was always a pain to reach down the side of my bed to reach my chargers, not to mention the wad of cables I’d have to sift through just to charge my phone. I finally searched for a solution and came across these. They’re great! They’re really easy to stick on and they stay in place. I haven’t had an issue of them falling off. Whenever I need to charge a device they’re right next to me, easy to reach and untangled. I definitely recommend!" —Nurse Nelis

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $6.97.

    27. A pair of broom holders that'll help make use of the wall space when room on the floor starts to become quite the hot commodity.

    Brooms are just the beginning. Many reviewers say they actually used these as a damage-free way to hold up a curtain rod!

    Promising review: "I originally only bought the two-pack and have since bought six more. These work so well and are so versatile in what they can hold! They stick to the wall with zero damage to the wall and can hold heavy items. It’s easy to put the handles in and out of the holder and grips them tightly so no slipping or falling. I’ve had some on the wall for a year now with heavy items like a Swiffer and have had zero issues. I even use them in my bathroom — I hang my electric scrubbing brush handle up in the corner of my linen closet and the handheld shower head on my shower wall. I wanted something that could be removed and wouldn’t damage the tile but was worried the water and steam would keep it from sticking well. Nope — it’s been up for nine-ish months with zero issues. Highly recommend these and will continue to find new uses for them around the house!" —Sarah Schoenrock

    Get them from Amazon for $13.80 (also available in a single pack).

    28. A set of silicone food savers so you can stop fumbling with plastic wrap that always gets tangled up with itself but never actually sticks to what it's supposed to?! These hug the leftover halves of fruits, vegetables, and even cans so they actually stay fresh instead of giving you the ick (and ending up in the trash) the next time you wanna use them.

    an assortment of different-sized fruits cut in half with food huggers on the skinless side

    Food Huggers is a woman-owned small biz founded by two friends trying to cut down on both food and plastic waste in the kitchen. The set comes with five different sized pieces.

    Promising reviews: "I love this product. I bought two sets. I use them for cut vegetables, particularly onions. They are easy to use and easy to clean. I have bought a set for a friend as a gift." —Jill Bikowski

    "Saving on wasteful plastic wrap and baggies. Many sizes to choose from. I use them on fruit and veggies as well as partially used cans. I had a drink that was not finished and put it on the glass before putting it in the fridge and it fit perfectly." —Amazon Customer

    Get a five-piece set from Amazon for $17.99 (available in four color combos). 

    The reviews used in this post have been edited for length and clarity.