We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    Just 37 Products Reviewers Say Are The Best At Doing What They Do

    These products are the crème de la crème (as decided by a multitude of reviewers) of beauty, cleaning, home, and more.

    1. A fabulous lip-plumping gloss set to create absolutely luscious lips for anyone who likes the look of lip fillers but not the price or commitment. You're probably gonna have to apologize to your friend who just got filler done before you discovered this product.

    reviewer's lips before and after using lip plumper
    reviewer holding lip plumpers

    You'll get one lip plumper and one minty sleeping mask for your lips.

    Promising review: "Best lip plumper I’ve tried so far! Honestly, a super great product. Not only is it more affordable than most lip plumpers (especially for two of them), but it also does a good job of doing what it’s supposed to do. It lasts longer than some high end plumpers, and doesn’t hurt nearly as much. I also like how it doesn’t smell like chemicals like most plumpers. It has a slightly minty scent, but isn’t strong enough to make me sick. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone looking for an affordable lip plumper that does the job!" —Barbra L. Fergang

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    2. An easy-to-use, portable makeup-correcting stick so you can do those little touch ups without having to wipe everything off or wasting like four cotton swabs when you just cannot put your mascara on without getting it all over your eyelids.

    Model using the stick to correct eyeliner

    Promising review: "This is the BEST makeup remover EVER! Makeup melts off! It leaves the skin feeling soft and moisturized! I will never use regular make up remover again!"Tammy Gilbert

    Get it from Amazon for $7.97

    3. A compact 8-in-1 spiralizer to not only spiralize, but to help tackle some of those super annoying prep jobs you typically delegate to literally anyone who walks through the kitchen. We're talking grating cheese, juicing fruits, shredding veggies, and more.

    BuzzFeed editor holding the transparent cup with eight black lids
    A model using the device to make zoodles, grate cheese, and squeeze an orange
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Just swap out the inserts to go from one function to another!

    Promising review: "This is the second spiralizer that I have purchased, and by far the best I have used. It's super easy to use and to clean. My other spiralizer that I had was difficult to clean properly and I want to use they as often as possible so the use and cleaning of the product is very important! Fullstar Vegetable Spiralizer is a great product and I will be purchasing more to give as gifts for the holiday season. I would definitely recommend. A+++ item." —Yvonne I

    Get it from Amazon for $19.98 (also available in four- and six-in-one styles).

    4. rotating makeup/skincare organizer with shelves that will make you feel like any of the best makeup gurus because you'll have all your products perfectly organized and right at your fingertips. 

    Reviewer spinning the clear acrylic organizer full of products
    Reviewer's organizer full of products

    Check it out on TikTok here

    Promising review: "This is the best organizer for cosmetics! I love how the shelves can be adjusted to fit different sized items. I was able to clean out a drawer in the bathroom vanity and put everything on this organizer. Since everything is visible, I don’t fumble around looking for it. One tip — if you have eye pencils and various brushes, put them in small jars on the organizer. I used Oui Yogurt jars for this." —214kam

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99.

    5. A tube of Elizabeth Mott Thank Me Later Eye Shadow Base which will help make sure that smoky eye (that you spent way longer on than you'd like to admit) actually lasts through the night instead of melting off your face as soon as you walk out the door. 

    A reviewer showing their eye makeup done at 8:30 a.m.
    The same reviewer showing their eye makeup at 6:30 p.m. showing that it still looks good

    And it's cruelty-free!

    Promising review: "Best primer EVER. I absolutely LOVE this primer! It goes on very smoothly, and it will keep your eye makeup in place literally all day. It also helps with maximizing the pigments in your eyeshadow, making sure they pop. I also bought a tube for my mom, because she struggles with oily skin and her eyeliner never stays on. Once she used this, not only did her eyeliner stay in place and not budge, but it helped control the oil as well. Out of all the primers I've tried, this is the only one I will use, because it is reliable and affordable." —Carolyn

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    6. A tub of The Pink Stuff, because this slightly abrasive paste is literally amazing and can clean all the dirt and grime off any surface that you couldn't get rid of with any other products. Over 110,000 people gave this 5 stars, so if we haven't influenced you to buy it yet, now is the time.

    a stained sheet tray with text: hopeless
    the same sheet tray with one corner looking much cleaner after being scrubbed with the pink stuff, with text: ...or not!
    britt holding a tub of the pink stuff
    Britt Ross / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I always see people using this on TikTok, but the videos don’t even do it justice. The Pink Stuff made everything spotless. Counters, stoves, sinks, literally everything. Best cleaning product in the world and I will literally never use any other brand again." —Hailey Peters

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97

    7. A Drop Stop car seat gap filler so you can stop fishing for your phone, keys, or stray french fries after you've made a sharp turn.

    Promising review: "BEST GAP FILLER!!! THIS PRODUCT WORKS!!! I have tried several different products that did not work well. They still left a gap around the seat belt. This is easy to install. They stay in place and completely fill the gap so that nothing gets lost between the seats and console!!! Extremely happy with mine!! I have them in a Toyota 4Runner and a Ram Truck!" —Kari Walters

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $24.99.

    8. A bottle of plant-powered vitamin C serum that can help lighten dark spots, fight off wrinkles, prevent UV damage, and increase skin firmness and elasticity. And if that's not enough, it doesn't have harsh chemicals or synthetic colors and it's vegan and cruelty-free!

    Promising review: "Best vitamin C serum I’ve used. This serum has changed my skin. It’s brighter, and I have seen an improvement in the fine lines around my eyes. The price is incredible compared to other vitamin C serums I’ve used, and I like that I don’t have to use a separate hyaluronic acid serum." —Jess H

    Get it from Amazon for $21.97+ (available in two sizes and a pack of two).

    9. A standing weeder to help you achieve the flawless lawn of your dreams without the back pain that is typically associated with weeding. 

    Gif of model showing how you press it into the ground where the weed is, then lean the handle at an angle (which pulls up the weed), until you pull the whole weed out

    Made with a bamboo handle and powder-coated steel, it uses a simple lever system to made weeding easy.

    Promising review: "This weed puller is absolutely the best product ever! So easy to use, and pulls the weeds out, roots and all. I was disappointed when I pulled all the weeds out of my yard, because it was so satisfying pulling all the weeds out. Fun tool to use!" —Richard Gogo

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99.

    10. COSRX Snail Mucin 96% Power Repairing Essence, which is a lightweight face serum to help repair, hydrate, and rejuvenate skin. It's designed for all skin types and reviewers love how gentle yet effective they are.

    Reviewer before and after with redness healed from their face
    reviewer's bottle of serum

    Promising review: "I’m legitimately shocked by this product! I think this is the best thing I’ve ever put on my face. I have super sensitive skin, and I gave myself a retinol burn. I had huge dry patches all over my face, and it was so uncomfortable. I ordered this, and after using it for one day, my face wasn’t red anymore. I’ve been using it for three days, and the fine lines I had on my forehead and smile lines are hardly visible, and I have no more dry patches on my face anywhere. I’m amazed. I can’t wait to see what this continues to do for my skin. If you’re thinking about buying this, here’s your sign — get it!!!" —Colleen Barringer

    Get it from Amazon for $12.49

    11. An ingenious peanut butter knife so you can get every. last. bit. of the goodness without ending up with sticky knuckles. This doohickey will get into the nooks and crannies to scrape off enough to prob make a whole PB&J.

    reviewer's long knife with curved end and red handle next to a peanut butter jar
    reviewer's jar scraped clean

    PB-Jife is a family-owned small biz that wanted to solve the problem of getting peanut butter all over your fingers when you got to the bottom of the jar. They created this knife to help you get every last bit out of jars (whether it's PB, Nutella, honey, or anything else), it's also great for stirring up natural peanut butters!

    Promising review: "Best thing ever made for peanut butter jars! I bought this on a whim after seeing it independently reviewed on a YouTube website. I figured, for $12, what did I have to lose? Well, it performed exactly, and as great, as the reviewer claimed! It stirred, scooped, and scraped as promised. The long blade is made of a very sturdy stainless steel, and the handle is just as sturdy, and is proportionally sized. I highly recommend this for the peanut butter lovers in your house." —Michael M

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in two colors and multipacks).

    12. A First Aid Beauty's KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub Exfoliant, because even though I promise no one other than you actually notices those little bumps on your arms, you want them gone and all power to ya!! Reviewers with skin conditions like keratosis pilaris swear by this product!

    Read more about how to treat keratosis pilaris at home at the American Academy of Dermatology.

    BuzzFeed editor Ciera Velarde has this and says, "I've had keratosis pilaris since I was a teenager (it's especially bad on my thighs), and after trying dozens of products to treat it with no luck, this magical product is the only thing that's truly worked for me. I usually use this once a week for maintenance, but in the winter if I notice a flare-up and have drier, rougher, bumpier skin, I use this twice a week, and any flare-ups disappear within the week. I scrub it over my thighs and then actually let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off. I have notoriously sensitive skin, and I've never had an issue with this before. It's truly the best product out there for any fellow KP sufferers!"

    Promising review: "The best product I have ever used for my keratosis pilaris! My arms are the smoothest they've ever been! Will continue to buy and use this going forward!" —Lauren

    Get it from Amazon for $12+ (available in three sizes and a pack of two). 

    13. pet urine stain–removing spray to clean up those tough messes you've already used sooo many products on. Not only will this stuff get rid of the stain, but it will get rid of the smell…pet stains can be STANKY, iykyk. 

    Reviewer's stained carpet
    Reviewer's carpet now clean

    Rocco & Roxie Supply Co. is a family-owned small business named after the family's pets Rocco, a Labradoodle, and Roxie, a former shelter tabby cat. They make a variety of pet supplies, including cleaners, treats, grooming tools, accessories, and toys.

    Promising review: "I don’t know how I ever survived without this. There’s tons of 'pet stain/odor remover' products out there, but this by far is the absolute best. I cringed paying the $20 for it when others are between $5–$10, but I have NO ISSUES paying now. I foster dogs, some puppies, some older, some not housebroken, and every room in my house is carpeted except the kitchen, which means I have lots of accidents. I spray enough to saturate if it’s a lot of urine, let it soak for 10 minutes, then wipe it up with a hand towel. Then I put a larger towel on top of it if it’s in a high-traffic area until it’s completely dry. It’s taken out every stain and, more importantly, the odor is gone! I will never stop buying this product. I recommend it to everyone who has dogs!" —Shelley

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97+ (available in two sizes).

    14. A set of Miracle-Gro "food spikes" so you can become that ~successful~ plant parent you've always dreamt of being. You can finally stop worrying about whether or not your plants are getting the nourishment they need — just one spike can feed your plant continuously up to 60 days.

    Model pressing small green pellet into potted plant

    You'll still need to remember to water, but these will give that greenery the extra little boost it needs! Each spike can be used for 30–60 days, depending on the season. 

    Promising review: "I am not a gardener and don't have a lot of luck with plants. That said, these spikes are amazing. You can see the difference in weeks. This is the best indoor plant product I have ever used, mainly because it is so darn easy. I definitely recommend these plant spikes." —V. Kline

    Get a pack of 24 from Amazon for $2.79 (also available as a pack of 48 or a case). 

    15. A painless mint-flavored Venus teeth-whitening pen to help you achieve those pearly whites you've always wanted. Simply spend 30 seconds a day brushing these on your teeth and then go about the rest of your life instead of worrying about having those sticky strips sitting on your teeth or the bulky light in your mouth.

    Promising review: "The best teeth whitening product ever. I've used so many products before and this one is the best so far! I bought this because it wasn't expensive and it had good reviews. It's very easy to use, and it works even after the first application. It doesn't burn gums, and doesn't leave your teeth sensitive." —Eleny Araujo

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $19.95.

    16. L’Oreal’s 8 Second Wonder Water because why use anything else if you could achieve moisture, shine, and silkiness in EIGHT SECONDS?! I mean come on, that seems too good to be true, but the over 25,000 5-star ratings prove that this might just be real life magic.

    Promising review: "Why haven't I tried this sooner? This is hands down the absolute best product I have tried on my hair in years, maybe decades! I have very thick, coarse, highlighted hair that proves to be a challenge for any product that claims smoothing, frizz control, shine, etc. I have tried so many high end products that do not live up to their claims with my hair. Consequently, after so many disappointing products, my expectations were low when I tried this. As soon as I removed the towel, I knew this product was a winner. My hair looked smoother than usual before I even started to blow dry. When I finished blow-drying, it looked the way it does when I leave a salon. I am super impressed and immediately ordered more." —shopsalot

    Get it from Amazon for $9.87.

    17. An over-the-door shoe rack designed to hold up to 36 pairs without taking up any of the precious floor space in your closet and instead using the back of your door which is probably wasted space anyway!

    Over-the-door shoe organizer on closet door
    Over-the-door shoe organizer on closet door

    Promising review: "My boyfriend and I recently moved in together and one of my main concerns was our combined shoe storage. We just installed this last week and I felt compelled to write a review because it is THE BEST shoe storage solution I have ever come across. I've tried under the bed, over the door pockets, shelves, stands, you name it... but this one is just the most organized, most logical storage ever." —Kathleen

    Get it from Amazon for $25.51.

    18. A leave-in conditioner that will finally detangle your kid's hair without damaging their luscious curls. We know it can be a battle just to have your kid let you brush their hair, so this will help you make the experience less miserable for them (and let's be honest, for you, too).

    a reviewer's child with frizzy curly hair labeled
    the same reviewer's child with the curls looking less frizzy and better defined

    Promising review: "The BEST for tangles! I’m on my third bottle used on my three-year-old and my own hair. Her hair is so tangled when she wakes up and combing it dry makes it frizzy. This stuff smells amazing and keeps her hair shiny, soft and makes her slightly curly hair just pop with beautiful curls. What a great product at an affordable price!" —Drew

    Get it from Amazon for $8.62+ (also available as a pack of two).

    19. A super popular ChomChom pet hair remover to remove all the pet hair that is still on your couch even after you've vacuumed — it's shedding season, you're about to find hair embedded everywhere. This little tool works on pretty much any surface — furniture, upholstery, blankets, clothes — and you don't have to worry about constantly ripping off *another* sticky sheet.

    Reviewer's black pillow covered in white dog hair and you can clearly see which side they brushed with the fur remover because all the dog hair is gone in that section
    reviewer's pet hair remover filled with hair

    Promising review: "This is by far the best thing that I've ever used to remove pet hair from just about any fabric surface, whether it's a couch, bed comforter, or even dress pants! Moving the brush back and forth quickly, as recommended in the instructions, is both the quickest and best method to remove pet hair, and it's super-easy to clean out. Highly recommended!" —MDW

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

    20. A super comfy, zero-gravity canopy swing that'll soothe you to sleep and give you a relaxing vacay-like nap in the backyard.

    a reviewer sitting in a blue swing using a laptop
    the blue swing in a different reviewer's yard

    Promising review: "Best chair ever! I love this chair! It’s so comfortable! I could sit in it all day long! It’s even comfy without the cushion! So glad I bought it!" —Rhiannon R Rappel

    Get it from Amazon for $229.99 (available in nine colors).

    21. Crave Naturals Detangling Brush to get through any of those extra stubborn tangles *without* pulling out all your hair in the process.

    Black reviewer with 3c-4a showing how the brush hels detangle without messing up curl pattern
    A reviewer holding a detangling brush with a shape that curves similar to an 'S' shape. It has bristles along the entire surface.

    Promising review: "This is the BEST detangler EVER!!! Do not use on dry hair though if you have curly or wavy hair. It will straighten your hair and leave it frizzy. But, use this in the shower with your conditioner and you can finger comb your hair, air dry if possible, and your waves and curls will be the best ever!" —TDHokey

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in eight colors and various two-packs).

    22. A "flossing toothbrush" that mimics flossing and provides an extra deep clean with two layers of bristles — regular firm bristles, and longer ones that are 10 times thinner.

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Heads up that this shouldn't be a replacement for actual flossing!

    Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. 

    Promising review: "Game changer. Wow!!! This is hands down the best toothbrush I’ve ever used. I’ve used all brands, electric, etc. nothing has ever made my mouth feel as clean as this. You notice a difference immediately. Feels like it gets so deep in between your teeth, yet it’s super soft and gentle. Nothing short of extraordinary!" —Monica

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $9.90

    23. A super soft, adjustable Trtl neck pillow designed to put an end to the head flop that can wake you from even the deepest sleep. The unique design comes up much higher than traditional neck pillows to help give you that extra support you've been needing.

    Model wearing a gray Trtl pillow while sleeping on a plane

    I am a notorious vehicle sleeper — planes, trains, cars, you name it, I'm asleep almost immediately. And while I can sleep almost anywhere, it's not exactly the most sound sleep since I frequently wake up from the typical head bob situation. I also often end up with neck pain from not having proper support. I just tested this out for the first time and it truly changed the game. I actually felt like my head was supported in a comfortable position. I had some of the best travel sleep I've ever had with this!

    Promising review: "Best travel pillow I've ever used. I LOOOVE this thing. The difference between the Trtl and all the other travel pillows I've used is the Trtl offers way better neck support. Instead of pushing your head and neck forward, it holds them up so that your head never falls. With a reclined seat, sleeping mask, and earplugs, you can comfortably get a full night's sleep on long-haul and transcontinental flights. I've slept the entirety of red-eyes from LA to New York and most flights from LA to Europe and Asia. It fits into my carry-on easily. The cushion is soft. The base of the pillow feels sturdy but rests nicely against the chest and shoulders. Once you get your own fit with the 'scarf' thingy figured out, you'll love it. It's the perfect travel pillow." —dmednikov

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99 (available in four colors).

    24. Juno & Co.'s Clean 10 Cleansing Balm that'll remove every last speck of your makeup. (Yup, even waterproof mascara doesn't stand a chance!) It features Japanese pearl barley, which melts into your skin to hydrate while cleansing away impurities.

    The clear balm in a container

    Juno & Co. is a small business focused on moving away from the traditional beauty market to sustainable and simplified formulas. 

    Promising review: "Best cleansing balm. This cleansing balm is phenomenal. I'm highly sensitive to scents, and this has a really nice, light, citrus scent to it. I can use this on my entire face, including my eyes with no issue. My face feels clean, not tight, and not dry or stripped after using this. And the best part might be the price! I hope they never stop producing this stuff, because I'm a customer for life!" —K

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99

    25. A set of impressively lifelike and incredibly soft silk tulips so even those of us with pollen allergies can still enjoy the beauty that is a bouquet of flowers on a table. Extra bonus, you won't have to buy a new set every week and can bring them out for years to come!

    Reviewer holding a bouquet of faux white tulips
    A reviewer's set of pink and white tulips in a vase

    Promising review: "Best fakes ever! I saw these on YouTube, and was skeptical of how realistic they could be. Let me tell you, they are VERY realistic, and everyone that sees them will ask or just casually feel them to see. They are really lifelike, and look great in any kind of vase. Will definitely get more!" —Michelle Kalisek

    Get a set 20 from Amazon for $18.99 (available in a variety of color combos). 

    26. A bottle of natural nail and cuticle repair oil made with jojoba oil to deeply penetrate your dry cuticles and promote hydration and stronger nails. Gone are the days of worrying your nail will crack every time you hit it into something.

    Promising review: "This is the best cuticle oil ever. I usually put it on at night before going to sleep, and I see a difference overnight. It has a very light almond smell that I think is quite nice. I use it by putting one brush stroke on each cuticle, and then rubbing it all in. I bought the tiny bottle, and it has lasted me a long time. When it’s done, I’ll get the bigger one. Definitely recommend." —AmyL

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in three sizes).

    27. A bottle of Elizavecca Hair Treatment infused with collagen and protein to help restore your hair. Reviewers are even saying it's comparable to Olaplex (and less than one-third of the price)! 

    Before and after of a BuzzFeed editor's hair, with the after looking much shinier and curling more
    Bek O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    It's designed to work for all hair types, with reviewers with 2a–4c hair saying it worked for them!

    Promising review: "I have naturally blonde, medium length, more coarse hair that gets damaged from heat styling and is just naturally dry. I was looking for a hair mask to help heal my dry ends and just general damage. I followed the directions on the box, and left it in my hair for 15 minutes, and rinsed my hair, and styled as normal, and my hair has never been so sleek, and NOT weighed down, and the hair cuticles are together, and not frizzy. AND it's sooooo humid outside today and my hair stayed looking fresh. BONUS! I've tried so many masks and treatments that have weighed down my hair or left a weird residue, this is the best one I've ever tried. For my hair length/thickness, I could get about five treatments from this size of a bottle." —Annie J.

    Check out BuzzFeed's full Elizavecca hair treatment review for more deets!

    Get it from Amazon for $7.25.

    28. Bissell's Little Green cleaner with a cult following of parents, pet owners, and clumsy people. This compact device gets alllll the stains (grass! pet accidents! food! mud!) from almost any surface. Now you can finally feel comfortable inviting your accident-prone friend over again.

    reviewer before showing a stained dining room chair seat
    same reviewer's after showing the beige seat looking good as new after being cleaned with the little green

    It comes with a tough stain tool, HydroRinse self-cleaning hose tool, and a trial-size Spot & Stain with Febreze Freshness formula.

    Promising review: "This thing is great! I have kiddos as well as a dog who has difficulty with her bladder. I knew trying to soak everything up with just towels wasn't enough. It worked wonders when I knocked over an entire glass of chai. This has great suction power and I feel very comfortable that it is doing an excellent cleaning job. The dirty water side is very easy to dump out to clean which is extremely convenient. So far, it's the best home cleaning tool I've ever purchased!" —LP

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59 (also available in a model designed for pets). 

    29. A set of nice-feeling and long-lasting matte lipsticks so you can have ~options~ and still pay less than what you'd pay for *one* color of another brand. Don't worry, just because they're inexpensive doesn't mean they are cheap — reviewers are saying they perform just as well as those more expensive brands.

    Reviewer wearing red matte lipstick
    Reviewer wearing all six shades of pink and red matte on their hand

    Promising review: "Holy grail of matte lipsticks right here. BUY IT!! THE best matte lipstick I've ever seen. I've looked far and wide, and spent thousands trying to find the best matte lipstick. No more! Buy it — you won't regret it. This lipstick — besides the wonderful colors — doesn't smudge, cake, or diminish easily. I've worn it all day long, even after several bottles of water, breakfast, and lunch. It's perfect!" —Karen

    Get a six-piece set from Amazon for $11.88 (available in three color combinations). 

    30. A quiet, ozone-free Levoit air-purifier designed with a three-stage filtration system to help get rid of (stay with me here) allergens, pet hair, dander, smoke, mold, odor, large dust particles, *and* 99.97% of airborne contaminants. So you can 🎶 breathe, oohhh breahte 🎶 easy.

    It covers up to 129 square feet and can even be used as a night-light!

    Promising review: "Best purifier I’ve had. I use it in my bedroom. On the quiet setting, you can barely hear it. It's easy to set up — pulled out of box, took plastic off, and plugged it in. We have a small rabbit so the smell, dander, and hair was an issue. Not an issue any longer — this is a great unit." —Lori Jorgensen

    Get it from Amazon for $89.99 (available in two colors).

    31. A pair of genius "No Splash" nail clippers that'll catch all the clippings instead of them flying everywhere only to be found three days later. 

    clippers with reservoir for clippings
    a model emptying the nail clippings into a tin

    Promising review: "Best nail clipper I've ever owned. All my life I've had stainless-steel nail clippers that slip from my fingers whenever I have to cut my nails, which bends the nail and adds pressure onto my nail bed. With these clippers, the groove lets my thumb sit comfortably. It cuts very well, and there's no need to put too much pressure when cutting a tough nail. The nail catcher is a good bonus. It prevents your nail debris from flying all over the place so you don't need to hover over the trash can. I use the built-in nail file to shape those sharp edges and it does the job very well. It eliminates the use of switching over to an individual nail file. I also like the little case that it comes in. It keeps me from losing my nail clippers." —Jasmine

    Get them from Amazon for $13.99.

    32. A bottle of Fanola purple shampoo to help keep your blonde looking fresh instead of yellow and brassy. Maybe now you can hold off on that expensive salon visit a liiiittle bit longer.

    A reviewer with yellow-tone blonde hair
    Same reviewer with platinum blonde hair

    Promising review: "This is literally the best purple shampoo I have ever used. My hair gets brassy so fast. When I use this, it makes it look like I just left the salon. I bought a bottle in July. It is now November, and I still have not had to buy a new bottle yet. 10/10 recommend." —makaila hebert

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    33. Some Wet & Forget shower cleaner that doesn't require scrubbing. 😩🙌🏼 Just spray it on and leave it while you go clean the rest of your house. When you wipe it away (8–12 hours later), you will be *shocked* by the results.

    reviewer's shower tile with huge white stain
    reviewer's same tile clean and bright

    Promising review: "This stuff is amazing! I had a horrible gray ring in the bottom of my shower that was impossible to remove. I had tried the Dawn dish soap method (with a lot of scrubbing) and had even used toilet bowl cleaner to try to remove the soap scum. My next step was to tear out and replace the shower pan and tile. I figured this was my last chance. I ordered the Wet & Forget spray and really coated the shower walls and floor pan and walked away. I CANNOT begin to tell you how happy I was to rinse down the walls sometime later and watch all that crud roll right down the drain!! This is the best product I have ever used in my life!! Works great and no toxic fumes!!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $20.98+ (available in two scents, two sizes, and multi-packs).

    34. A pack of 24-karat gold cooling eye gels to help provide smoothing and hydration to help hide the fact that you didn't sleep because you were up all night binge-watching Netflix. Not only are you going to feel refreshed, but you'll also feel ~rich and bougie~ because you have literal GOLD on your face.

    Reviewer wearing under eye patches by Le Gushe
    Reviewer wearing under eye patches by Le Gushe

    Promising review: "Best eye masks ever!!! These gold collagen masks are awesome!! They have light subtle scent that I enjoy very much!! They're super easy to apply, and they actually stay put!! I have tried a lot of under eye masks that would just slide around. With these ones, I was able to relax and watch TV without having to lay back lol!! Slap them on in the morning or at night, and still be able to get stuff done! They made my under eyes feel so soft and moisturized!! I have only used them twice, but so far I am in LOVE and cannot wait to see how they work on my wrinkles!!!" —Kelsey

    Get a pack of 20 pairs from Amazon for $14.97.

    35. A Petcube so you can watch your pets with high-quality, wide angle video that also has night vision. Now you can get alerts and see what your doggo is doing while you're out and about.

    A small camera mounted to the bottom of a kitchen shelf

    Petcube is a California-based small business that specializes in interactive HD pet camera products. It can send you instant notifications via its app and sync with Amazon Alexa.

    Promising review: "The best pet cam on the market. Honestly in love. Was debating on getting this or the Furbo and I love this. I don’t need a treat dispenser so I just got the camera version and it does the job and I can check in on my dog all day everyday whether I’m in another room or not at home. Love it, quality is crisp and clear, this product deserves much more recognition." —Megan

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99 (also available in packs of two and three). 

    36. A digital food thermometer that'll help you actually *know* when your chicken is done cooking instead of repeatedly cutting it up, checking for pink, and deciding it could prob use a few more minutes. Stick this little gadget in and you'll get an instant temperature reading so you can finally sit down for dinner.

    reviewer using the food thermometer to check the temperature of food in a pan
    reviewer showing the magnetic food thermometer attached to the side of a stove

    Promising review: "This digital meat thermometer is the best I've ever had. I own others, but they are either too bulky to fit in the drawer or too hard to read. This one is small and lightweight; it's easy to pull out the probe and very easy to read the temperature. I purchased several as stocking stuffers for Christmas. They make a gift that will be appreciated for its size and ease of use, but most importantly, it will be a gift that gets used instead of put away in the closet." —Kat29

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in three colors).

    37. callus-removing gel so you can quickly and painlessly remove allllll your calluses. Reviewers praise this for dissolving dead skin in ~minutes~ so buckle up, your feet are about to be as smooth as a baby's bottom.

    Promising review: "BEST THING I'VE EVER BOUGHT. I’ve spent so much money on foot creams, lotions, and foot scrubbers over the years. Like for legit 10 years now I’ve had cracked heels. My feet are always dry and my heels get so bad that they crack and bleed. I’ve tried so many things that I honestly just believed I’d always have cracked heels forever. After reading all the reviews... even the scary ones that made me almost not want to buy it... I thought I’d give it a chance. I followed the directions exactly, and used gloves along with only leaving the gel on for no more than five minutes. I think I could’ve probably left the gel on for a little longer because of how bad my heels are, so I’ll do it again tomorrow, but already they look like brand new feet!! The kind of feet I thought I’d never have! So, I’m incredibly impressed and so excited!" —Heather Nelson

    Get it from Amazon for $14.49.

    The reviews used in this post have been edited for length and clarity.