17 Body Facts I Can Almost Guarantee You Didn't Know, But Once You've Read Them You Might Wish You Didn't

    I'm shook at the amount of saliva we produce.

    Ah, the human body...a very clever yet sometimes slightly gross creation.

    1. Eyelashes seem pretty non-offensive don't they?!

    2. Apparently ear wax is a type of sweat.

    3. On the subject of bodily fluids, I'm still not over the fact that our bodies produce around a litre of saliva a day (yes, you did read that right).

    4. The most poisonous part of our bodies is thought to be our livers.

    5. Your nipples should be about as far apart as your earlobes.

    6. You might not think you're that hairy, but the average person has 100,000 hairs on their head.

    7. In other hair facts, head lice cannot live long without feeding on a scalp.

    8. Did you know you're taller in the morning?

    9. You'll probably wish you could unhear that you're constantly swallowing mucus.

    10. Prepare to be really grossed out, because I'm betting most of you haven't heard of a fecal transplant.

    11. Speaking of bodily functions, I was astounded to find out that the average adult produces 6.3 cups of urine a day.

    12. Healthy people pass gas between 12 and 25 times a day.

    13. Coughing spreads droplets as far as six metres and they can stay in the air for up to ten minutes.

    14. Ever wondered why your feet smell after a particularly busy day or workout session?

    15. Nail biters listen up! Underneath your fingernails is a breeding ground for bacteria.

    16. If you've ever thought you were bloated during a summer holiday or heatwave, then there's a high chance you weren't imagining it.

    17. Talking of sweat, apparently it's possible to distinguish between men and women's odour.

    What's your favourite gross, funny, or fascinating body fact? Get involved and share it in the comments!