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    Should You Participate In "G.I.S.H.W.H.E.S" This Year?

    What is GISHWHES exactly? Well it's the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen!

    Okay wait wait wait... what the heck is gish-whatever?!

    GISHWHES is just an acronym for the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen.

    Every year, Supernatural star Misha Collins (Castiel) holds a scavenger hunt August 1-8, that people all around the world participate in!

    (If you want to skip the reading, just scroll to the bottom and watch the YouTube video explaining GISHWHES)

    But... how can it be a worldwide scavenger hunt? How do I find items!? Do I have a team?

    Well the items are more of images or videos of various things.

    To be able to participate, you don't even have to have a team set up! By the time that GISHWHES actually starts, you will: 1. be put on a team with 14 other lone-people or 2. be put on a team that is already partially made.

    If you want to join with a friend, then just make your own team! Gishbot will fill in the extra spaces on your team for you!

    Okay fine. But I'm still confused about these "items".

    On August 1st (the first day of the hunt), the list of 150+ items is released. These "items" usually consist of embarrassing (the fun kind) or kind actions, and you have to document them by taking a picture or video.

    Each item has a certain amount of points attached with it, and you can be awarded that amount, partial points, or even have bonus points!

    The team with the most points, wins the grand prize (just a casual trip to Costa Rica with Misha Collins).

    Let's say I wanted to sign up... how?

    To sign up, go to the GISHWHES website.

    There is a $20 registration fee for signing up, but you can also upgrade your registration level if you want more shenanigans (explained on the registration page). If you really can't afford it, apply for a GISHOLARSHIP.

    If you don't have a team, don't worry. You'll be assigned to one.

    Better hurry to sign up, you only have until July 20th- that's when registration closes!

    Hmm... I'm still not sure...

    View this video on YouTube

    If you want a more visual explanation, here is an official video from GISHWHES showing some of the items and explaining the meaning of GISHWHES.

    I think I'm on board but- what's the point of the hunt?

    Bring people together. Expand your creativity. Be kind. Break records. Have fun! Oh and also just the casual fact that if your team wins, you go to Costa Rica with Misha Collins.

    If you have more questions, go to the GISHWHES website. If you explore, I'm sure all of your questions will be anwsered!