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    So You've Signed Up To Boot Camp...

    No pain, no #massivegains

    Summer is here but Winter got you feeling like...

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    So your fit friends say it's time to sign up to boot camp, but you're all like...

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    You protest, but in the end you sign up

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    You wear your boot camp best

    Which is good because when you get to the park you realise actual people are there...

    And they're all watching you exercise

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    At first you think this whole "working out" thing is pretty easy

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    "Look! I'm doing it, I'm doing it!"

    Then muscles you didn't even know existed begin to burn

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    But you aren't ready to give up!

    And that after workout water is EVERYTHING!

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    Via Giphy

    The next day your friends ask you how you're feeling

    Stairs are no longer just a nuisance, they are an eternal challenge

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    Yet you find a way...

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    Suddenly you realise it's time for boot camp AGAIN!

    But it's all worth it for them #massivegains

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    Time to get back into the boot camp rhythm soldier!

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    GO GET 'EM!

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