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    10 Times Lady Gaga Has Successfully Proved She's A Gay Icon

    We all know Gaga is the pop queen of the LGBT community, but how did she reach that status? Take a trip down memory lane and check out some of her best moments.

    1. Yelling at Obama in front of 200,000 Americans.

    2. This iconic moment at her Monster Ball Tour.

    3. "The Prime Rib of America".

    4. That time she wore meat AND brought discharged LGBT soldiers to the VMAs in 2010.

    5. Shutting down a Westboro Baptist Church Member.

    6. Born This Way - The Song

    7. Born This Way - The Album

    8. Literally asking Russia to arrest her.

    9. The Born This Way Foundation.

    10. When she made this rad speech at NYC Pride in 2013.

    Lady Gaga has really solidified her place in the music industry by not only breaking the rules of pop music and performance but also by really amplifying her love of the gay community.

    Paws up, queen!