Two Super Single People Got Married For A Week And Things Got Interesting

    "Best-case scenario? We fuck."

    When you're single AF, the idea of spending your life, space, and every damn day with someone can be a little...unsettling. So, naturally we made two super single people experience a little taste of what married life is like:

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    Jen was a little worried about the week ahead of her, as she really ~valued~ her alone time, and was a fan of fleeing relationships whenever they got kinda awk.

    Kelsey was also a tad wary — not only would she have to leave her apartment to stay with Jen, but also her CAT.

    Buttttt, she was optimistic about the possibilities the week could bring.

    Things started out, er, awkwardly. Jen carried Kelsey over the ~marriage threshold~ and then managed to trip and fall on her ass.

    And Kelsey was dealing with some stage four* poop stage fright.

    But once the ladies started to get in the swing of the whole marriage thing, they had fun. Well, at least the whole open marriage thing...because they spent their first night re-doing each other's dating profiles.

    Midway through the week, Kelsey got a little ~romantic~ and decided to bring her wife surprise ice cream...

    ...and the two ended up having a pretty damn good time on both of the date nights they planned for each other.

    Later in the week, Kelsey and Jen went to their friend's for a game night. It was fun, but maybeeee a little eye-opening that they weren't meant to be.

    By the end of the week, Jen and Kelsey were both sorta ready for their alone time. But Jen wanted to end on a high note, so she made a stop-motion video that was an inside joke the two shared during their week together.

    So how'd it go? Well, they didn't fuck. But they did make a damn good new friend! Isn't that better than sex anyway?!*