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    7 Books To Bring On Your Eurotrip

    A little packing advice: Fewer clothes, more books. Panties and paperbacks, that's all you'll need.

    A good book is like salt for any trip to Europe: it brings out the flavors. Sure, you could ship off to the Continent sans livres, but no Tour can be truly Grand without literature along for the Metro ride. Plus, it's not all Eiffel Tower selfies and Dirndls out there; Europeans tend to do two things more frequently and more publicly than Americans: make out, and read.

    Reading A Moveable Feast your first weekend in Paris -- or Anna Karenina while on a train in Moscow, or Howards End during a trip to the English countryside -- these are utterly absurd, almost unbearably literary-pretentious things to do. But like so many absurd things in life, reading location-specific literature can also be an absolute joy.

    Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

    1. Off to Amsterdam? Pack Rituals by Cees Nooteboom.

    2. Headed for Berlin? Bring Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood.

    3. Florence? Read E. M. Forster's A Room with a View.

    4. Paris-bound? Pick up Jean Rhys' After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie.

    5. Going to London? Pick up White Teeth by Zadie Smith.

    6. Going to Prague? Start with Kundera's Laughable Loves.

    7. Headed for Vienna? Bring The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig.