
Jennifer B.

I would consider myself to be a pretty positive person. At the same time though, I am a realist. People might say that I am really funny. I would like to think of myself as a my friends' own personal comedian. I love to make people laugh. A smile or a laugh is priceless! It's a great feeling when you are able to make others happy. Sometimes all it takes to make someone's day is to get them to laugh! Guess you can say I am a pretty cool person. Except the fact that I am the biggest dork you will probably meet. I still think that farting is hilarious and anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves. I am also really into surfing online and have a pretty good knowledge of electronics and computers. I can also be pretty crafty and improvise when need be. It's a gift I guess! Although I can be all of the above, I can be serious when I need to be. I can have a good conversation, and believe it or not I am a mature person if you give me the chance to be. The good thing about me is that I know when to be serious, and when it is ok to be goofy. It's my "on/off" switch that makes me unique and separates me from others.

Jun 2009
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  • Jennifer B.'s avatar

    Jennifer B. commented on Chicken Poppers 4 Ways

    what is the "nutrition" for the garlic parmesan?


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