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    1983 Was The Greatest Year Ever

    The new batch of 30's was born this year. A bunch of other awesome stuff happened too.

    President Ronald Reagan signed a bill creating Martin Luther King Day.

    Audiences saw Flashdance, Scarface, and National Lampoon's Vacation for the very first time.

    Real men rocked bear hair, proudly.

    The debut album of some unknown 23-year-old Michigan girl was released in July. Her name was Madonna.

    Vanessa Williams became the first African-American to be crowned Miss America.

    Dressing like a comfortable clown was all the rage.

    Sally Ride became the first woman in space.

    Meanwhile, back on Earth, the hottest supermodel gracing magazine covers was Christie Brinkley.

    Um, forget yoga. This year was all about aerobics. And it was fab-u-louuuuus!

    McDonald's introduced Chicken McNuggets. (And then dared you to bring them home for Christmas dinner).

    The very first iPhone was designed in 1983.