13 Pics That Were Actually Used To Promote The Show "Bones"

    Bone Appétit!

    Hello. I would like to preface this post by saying that I am a huge fan of the television program Bones. Here is proof from the archives:

    #BONES is my absolute new addiction. will I finish all 5 seasons before the 6th one start? it's looking pretty likely.

    In case you don't know, Bones is a show starring David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel, that was on the air for an astonishingly long time:

    thinking about Bones (2005-2017).........

    Furthermore, Betty White was a guest star!!! Need I say more???

    Not to bore you with plot, but the show is literally just, like, about solving murders by studying the bones!!! It's not a show you want to eat during, but it's a show you'll love. Bones! Give it a try! Here's a bunch of ACTUAL promo pics to convince you:

    1. This very appetizing takeout meal that was casually eaten in front of a lovely display wall of bones:

    2. This amazing lineup which alternated humans and skeletons, because the truth is we're all just bones at the end of the day!!!!

    3. This pic which really upped the ante! Poker AND bones at the same time??? It's honestly too much!

    4. This lovely shot of Emily and David and a big ole' pile of...you guessed it...BONES!

    5. This magnifying glass that worked ASTONISHINGLY well:

    6. This cute and cuddly Bones DVD artwork:

    7. This pic that proves it takes two to tango...but FOUR when there are BONES involved!!!

    8. This DVD artwork that I'm pretty sure was just, like, this skeleton saying, "Hey guys, let's take a selfie!"

    9. These crazy skeletons that are honestly having way too much fun!

    10. This classy photo that looks like it's a regular club, but the wall is actually a bunch of gilded skulls!!!!

    11. This shot where David really pulled a fast one on Emily with that classic skull-on-shoulder move:

    12. This dark shot where David Boreanaz is clearly like, "These boneheads, amirite????"

    13. And finally, this one which does not actually have any bones displayed (except for the word "bones" on the table) but it's just so fucking weird I had to use it!