This Kirsten Dunst "Spider-Man" Shade Is Savage AF

    Because she, like, invented Spider-Man.

    The early '00s should probably be called the Dunstian era — you couldn't walk into a movie theater without seeing Kirsten Dunst on the screen. She was sexy, cute, AND popular to boot.

    Seriously, it was peak Dunst. And her star rose so much when she landed the *iconic* role of Mary-Jane Watson in 2002's Spider-Man.

    I mean, she and Tobey Maguire were ACTUAL FIRE with this legendary upside-down kiss.

    Anyways, because those Spider-Man movies were so popular, Hollywood has made another TWO franchises in the past 15 years and Kirsten Dunst is just not here for it.

    In a recent interview with Variety, Kirsten was asked for her thoughts on the new movies and she just said, "I don't care."

    She's literally never seen them.

    But then Kirsten got right to the point with some SHADY REALNESS...

    "Everyone likes our Spider-Man. C’mon, am I right or what? Listen, I’d rather be in the first ones than the new ones.”

    IS. SHE. RIGHT. OR. WHAT????

    Sorry, Spidey reboots — you've been DUNSTED.