Drake Has A Massive Picture Of Beyoncé In His Studio And It's Relatable AF

    "I love an icon who stans a legend..."

    The other night, Drake was minding his own business and posted an ordinary photo of himself chillin' in his studio. Nothing to see here, right?!

    But when you take a closer look, you'll notice an epically large photo of Beyoncé on the wall and I just think that's great:

    Fans were impressed by Drake's dedication to Beyoncé...

    Drake has a 6 foot Beyoncé portrait in his recording studio.

    @theyoncehub I love an icon who stans A Legend hard

    @theyoncehub Can we all give a big Applause. To this young man for his phenomenal taste. In #STANS !!

    ...and even decided that having someone hang a huge photo of you on the wall is GOALS.

    I want a dude to love me like Drake loves Beyoncé https://t.co/GDBNMI993Z

    Some even created fan fiction out of the whole thing:

    Maybe this is what the next Screen Gems Fatal Attraction ripoff is about. Drake stalks Beyoncé and fights Jay Z. https://t.co/QBVLFSn4T1

    But the bottom line is, we should ALL show such dedication to legends every day:

    Girl we all should have one https://t.co/G6Z8945pmi