I Can't Believe I Never Noticed This "Friends" Plot Hole About Monica And Chandler's Guest Room

    "Maybe we can put it in the guest bedroom..."

    I was just minding my business, watching the Season 6 Friends episode "The One With Ross' Denial" before bed, when I got up to the part where Chandler had this brilliant idea for what to do with Rachel's room when he and Monica were moving in together:

    And Monica shut it down reallllllll quick:

    And she said this:

    But, by the Season 8 episode "The One Where Joey Dates Rachel" where Phoebe gifts Monica and Chandler a Ms. Pac-Man machine as a wedding present, Monica does a complete 180:

    Phoebe didn't know where to put it, so Monica enthusiastically suggests this:

    Uh, hey Monica??? I thought arcade games don't belong in the beautiful guest bedroom?????


    But the plot thickens even more when Phoebe asks Monica if she really likes the gift, and Monica says the following:

    Pardon my EXTREME ELLE WOODS VOICE, but wouldn't a woman who claims to have spent her "entire childhood at the arcade" have had a little more enthusiasm when Chandler pitched the game room idea in the first place?!

    Maybe it's a plot hole, or maybe Monica had repressed those arcade memories so much and only found them again once Ms. Pac-Man was in her apartment. But I do find it kind of funny that the game ended up in the exact spot where Chandler had the idea in the first place:

    Anyway, it's not a life-changing fact, but it did make me laugh and I hope it makes you laugh, too! On the bright side, I don't think the "MERGE" sign ever happened.