Daryl Sabara Introduced Meghan Trainor To His "Spy Kids" Sister, Alexa PenaVega, On Instagram Live

    Juni and Carmen together again!

    Today, while I was minding my own business, I started watching Meghan Trainor's Instagram Live with her husband — Spy Kids legend Daryl Sabara.

    The pair had actually JUST rewatched Spy Kids, and Daryl was answering questions about the movie (with Meghan adorably interjecting), which I thought was pretty cool.

    And then, out of nowhere, Meghan announced a "special guest," who turned out to be none other than Alexa PenaVega aka Carmen Cortez herself!!!

    And even though Alexa and Daryl have stayed in touch, this is actually the first official time that Alexa met Meghan — who was totally fangirling throughout the whole thing, as I would too.

    The three of them proceeded to talk about Alexa and Daryl's memories from filming the movies, which was just so precious:

    🚨 The Spy Kids reunited!!! 🚨

    They talked about which Spy Kids props they still have and both of them remembered and recited Juni and Carmen's FULL names.

    Daryl revealed that Meghan's parents got one of Juni's spy costumes framed for him — and he still has his ring.

    Alexa revealed that her kids haven't watched it yet — her 3-year-old son, Ocean, actually prefers The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl, which is ironic because "everyone always thinks that we were in that movie."

    And then, as another amazing surprise, Alexa's kids and her husband, Carlos PenaVega, said hi to Meghan and Daryl — aka "uncle and auntie"!

    Honestly, it was just a lot of extremely pure and good content, and I'm just so happy to see these Spy Kids as Spy Adults together again.