11 Looks Selena Gomez Wore In Her "Bad Liar" Video That Will Make You Say, "WTF?"

    Find someone who looks at you the way Selena looks at Selena...

    Have you watched Selena Gomez's epic, amazing, outrageous "Bad Liar" video yet? No? I'll wait.

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    Welcome back. Okay, I'm sure you're at a loss for words after what you've just witnessed, so I'm going to break it down one Selena look at a time:

    1. "Watch me ride a bike while wearing a jean jacket like a teen in the '70s."

    2. "Here I walk down the halls wearing a quilt for a shirt."

    3. "I've added goggles because u and me have chemistry baby...it's a METAPHOR."

    4. "Look, I even look cute as a man!"

    5. "Zoom out and show off my full suit, k?"

    6. "Now I am blonde like Farrah Fawcett!"

    7. "I am also v sporty..."

    8. "It's chilly in this school, so I threw on my cute little athletic jacket..."

    9. "The face of a woman whose husband is fucking the gym teacher."

    10. "The face of a girl whose dad is cheating on her mom and fucking the gym teacher she's in love with."

    11. "Look at this photograph every time I do it makes me laugh."

    In conclusion: Teen Selena Gomez is in love with Blonde Selena Gomez who is cheating on Mom Selena Gomez with Dad Selena Gomez. I think. Woof.