These "The Umbrella Academy" Fan Theories Make A Lot Of Sense

    Who ARE the Sparrow Academy? (Contains spoilers for Season 2.)

    🚨Warning: Contains spoilers for Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy. 🚨

    1. Harlan has something to do with the Sparrow Academy.

    2. The Umbrella Academy totally altered the timeline.

    The Sparrow Academy version of Ben in The Umbrella Academy

    3. Meeting the Umbrella Academy in 1963 caused Sir Reginald to adopt different kids.

    The Umbrella Academy sitting around a table with Sir Reginald in The Umbrella Academy

    4. The Sparrow Academy will be alternate-timeline versions of the Umbrella Academy members.

    The Umbrella Academy looking up to the Sparrow Academy who are hidden in shadows

    5. The green cube is a member of the Sparrow Academy.

    The Sparrow Academy standing in shadow, with a green cube visible on the left

    6. The green cube is the Sparrow Academy's version of Grace.

    Grace/Mom from the Umbrella Academy

    7. The Sparrow Academy will be antiheroes — and maybe even evil.

    The young versions of the Umbrella Academy standing in a doorway wearing pyjamas, accompanied by Grace

    8. Lila will be in the Sparrow Academy.

    Lila from the Umbrella Academy sitting with her foot positioned on a desk

    9. The Handler is one of the 43 Oct. 1, 1989, babies.

    The Handler from the Umbrella Academy looking upwards

    10. Luther's mission to the moon wasn't pointless after all.

    Luther in a spacesuit on the moon in the Umbrella Academy

    11. Dave is alive.

    Klaus and Dave sitting at a table in a diner in the Umbrella Academy

    12. Ben is also alive.

    Close up of Ben from the Umbrella Academy wearing a hoodie

    13. And Pogo is alive!

    Pogo from the Umbrella Academy, looking sad

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