19 Pictures That Are Very Real For Anyone Who's Had A Period

    Featuring stills from The Prince of Egypt because it's a great movie, don't @ me.

    1. When you feel it starting so you keep your legs together as you make your way to the bathroom.

    2. When you DON'T feel it coming and find out the hard way.

    3. When you sneeze, laugh, cough, or fart while on your period.

    4. When you take a bath while on your period.

    5. When you're worried there's a spot on your pants, but no one's around to check for you, so you try to cover it up.

    6. When you pee on your heaviest day.

    7. When you're super testy and you know it's because your period is about to start, but you refuse to admit it.

    8. When your period is late and finally starts.

    9. When you have a tampon up your sleeve and someone stops to talk to you.

    10. When you realize you're on the same cycle as your best friend.

    11. When you're out of tampons and pads and have to make do with whatever you can find.

    12. When you ask your friend for a tampon at a restaurant and they slip it to you under the table.

    13. When all your old, ugly underwear is dirty and you accidentally ruin a nice pair.

    14. When you realize how much money you spend on tampons, pads, diva cups, new underwear, extra toilet paper, and so on.

    15. When your cramps are too unbearable to move.

    16. When your boobs are bigger but super painful.

    17. When you can't stop snacking.

    18. When a man asks, "Are you on your period?"

    19. When you think it's done and you check down there and find out you're wrong.