21 Thai Street Foods That Will Make You Say "Pad Thai Who?"

    Leave space in your belly for these delicacies.

    Obviously, when you go to Thailand, you're going to want to eat pad Thai. And I don't blame you: it's delicious and it's hella cheap.

    1. Mango sticky rice with coconut milk

    2. Deep fried dough with pandan sauce or condensed milk

    3. Big vats of stir-fry

    4. The best fucking soup I've ever had

    5. Bags of fresh fruit, which you can find on every street corner

    6. Fresh coconut

    7. And coconut ice cream

    8. Fried bananas

    9. Or grilled bananas, or banana skewers covered in syrup

    10. Mango with a mix of sugar, chilli, and salt

    11. Mushrooms wrapped in bacon

    12. Some kind of seafood that I couldn't identify but it tasted really good. I think they were scallops

    13. Fish balls

    14. Rice paper balls

    15. Assorted curries, which came in a bag when I asked for it to be "take-away"

    16. Sweet egg crepes

    17. Fish curry

    18. Dried tamarind

    19. Peanut flour balls (I think)

    20. Banana leaf wrapped around pork, veggies, egg, and rice

    21. And water chestnuts in coconut milk

    I flew to Bangkok as a guest of Air Asia for their Half A Billion Guests Flown celebration.