17 Signs You're Definitely A Ravenclaw-Slytherin Hybrid

    “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” – Salvador Dali

    1. You're kind of a skeptic, and won't take anything at face value.

    2. Because you're constantly questioning everything you're told.

    3. Some people think you're snobby, but you just value different character traits to most people.

    4. You're intelligent and extremely logical...

    5. ...and at the same time, you're big on planning and being tactical AF.

    6. You won't let anyone stand in your way of your achievements.

    7. Because not only are you ambitious, but you're also super competitive.

    8. And you're simultaneously smart AND a smartass.

    9. While you place a lot of importance on the knowledge found in books, you also know the value of learning by experience.

    10. Because you're incredibly curious.

    11. But everyone knows not to mess with you, because you never lose a fight.

    12. You're all about rules and order...

    13. ...but sometimes you can get really fed up and impatient with those constraints.

    14. You're the person that your friends call when they need help to hide a dead body.

    15. But you're also that friend who is always correcting people's grammar.

    16. Sometimes it feels like your main character traits can be really conflicting.

    17. But overall, you're just one sassy human, with the smarts to back it all up.