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We Asked An Instagram Model To Share Their Secrets On Taking Good Photos

Shoot from below and you can't go wrong.

It's coming into summer, the season where you're always out and about, going to parties, chilling with your mates. Chances are, you're going to want to get a good pic or two while you're there to share on social media.

We chatted to travel blogger @jessie_khoo, who runs Fashion and Sounds, to get some tips on how to take the best photos possible.

If you want to get an outfit photo, let your clothes determine where you take it.

And figure out what you want to highlight.

Your pose should also be dictated by your outfit.

If you want to make your outfit the focus of the pic, choose to pose against a blank wall.

Always think about your lighting before you shoot anywhere.

But also look at your subject through your phone, as it might look different.

If you want your Instagram grid to all have a certain aesthetic, keep that in mind before choosing where you take pics.

Find poses that work for you and make you feel comfortable.

Try shooting your pics from a lower angle.

Take heaps of photos, and surely one of them will be good.

If there are lots of things happening in the background, frame yourself up so you're kind of in the middle, and don't get lost in the elements.

Food flatlays can get a little boring.

Here's to a summer of memories, but most of all, a lit Instagram feed.

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