A No-Bake Recipe Even College Kids Can Follow

    Note: Please don't do this. This is not an actual recipe.

    Here's what you need:

    First things first: you need to open up that box of pasta.

    Cool, almost there. Now do the other flap.

    Oh, OK. There are still two flaps left. Lift those up too, I guess.

    Whew, got it. And look! You can see the pasta inside.

    Meanwhile, pour water from the sink into a fancy glass carafe, and then pour the water from the carafe into a white bowl.

    Try really hard to take the pasta out of the box without getting it everywhere.

    That's pretty good.

    Pepper the pasta to taste.

    And rub it all in. Just rub it right in there!

    Salt to taste as well! Wait...nothing is coming out...

    There's some sort of lid? IDK just take it off. Just take it off!

    What the...

    Whatever, just slap some salt onto the pasta. To taste!

    Hey, remember that other bowl? With water in it?

    This part is crucial: Put the bowl of water in the microwave.

    And set it for 80 minutes and 8 seconds.

    While the water is being microwaved, start eating the pasta.

    Don't be shy! Just go right ahead!

    It'll be a little (or a lottle!) al dente. Don't let that stop you! Remember: this is a NO-BAKE recipe. Enjoy the simplicity of it!

    Mmm! Hard!

    Yes! Yes! Just go right in!

    Majestic! Yes! Eat the no-bake pasta!

    Now isn't that yummy?

    And with such minimal mouth pain!

    Just like grandma used to make!

    But wait? Is that the ding of the microwave I hear? It has been eighty minutes and eight seconds, after all.

    Grab the bowl firmly with both hands and take it out of the microwave.

    Don't worry! Any resulting burns will heal in 5 to 19 months.

    Just enough time for you to dig into the rest of the that pasta!

    Enjoy! Also, you can eat those tomatoes whenever you want!