You'll Never Guess What The "E" In Chuck E. Cheese Stands For

    No, it doesn't stand for Ethan.

    Beloved pizza party mascot Chuck E. Cheese has recently been given a makeover.

    But while his appearance may have changed, his iconic name remains the same.

    Some people mistakenly believe his name to be Chuckie, rather than the more refined Chuck E.

    But few people know WHAT this middle initial "E" stands for.

    The answer is greater than anything you could imagine.

    That's right. Chuck E. Cheese's full name is Charles Entertainment Cheese.

    No wonder he shortens it. That's quite the mouthful.

    So next time you see Chuck, be polite and call him by the name his sweet and probably very confused parents gave him: Charles Entertainment.

    'Cause that's just good entertainment.