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    10 Yay's And Nay's Of The Transgender Community.

    The transgender community has had some beneficial things happen for them in recent years that can contribute to the LGBT Community and their are some that are not-so-beneficial.

    1. Kathoey - Male turned 'women' Transgender's #Winning in Thailand.

    2. Laverne Cox: The Adovacte. Hell yeah!

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    Laverne Cox, star of the show Orange Is The New Black, is the current talk of the media! Not that she got famous overnight or anything, its just that people were shocked that she actually lives the life of a Transgender women as she does in Orange Is The New Black, in which the plays the ground-breaking role of Sophia Burset, an incarcerated African American Transgender women.

    So why do people like her/ hate her? The article "The Transgender Issue" by Susan Stryker explains it perfectly in saying that "There have clearly been some sweeping changes occurring in professional and popular attitudes towards Transgender phenomena. Cultural representations of cross-dressed, transexual, gender-ambiguious, or otherwise gender-queer figures have become so ubiquitous that it seems pointless to enumerate them. They are readily available not only through such subcultural venues as drag-king shows, gay and lesbian film festivals, or she-male pornography but in television sitcoms, major motion pictures, billboard advertising, and a wide variety of mass-media print sources."

    Stryker speaks of a time (1990s) when society treated people who identified as Transgender horribly in the sense that they were thought of as despicable and grotesque people. The media reflected this through film, where they were in a negative light, giving Transgender people bad stereotypes.

    Laverne Cox's presence in the media today is defying that stereotype in that Laverne Cox is seen as a positive. People see her as a leader for the Transgender community and say that "she is a positive breath of fresh air, she represents us all that have struggled to live this life."

    The mere fact that Laverne Cox is famous right now doesn't just show that people like her/ hate her, its the fact that her presence is educating people all over the world on what EXACTLY Transgender means.

    Stryker, Susan. "The Transgender Issue." GLQ: A Journal Of Lesbian & Gay Studies 4.2 (1998): 145. LGBT Life with Full Text. Web. 31 July 2014.

    3. Trans & The Law

    4. It gets better : WITH FAMILY

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    Compared to todays society, the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender have traveled a long journey. Just 20 years sago, being apart of the LGBT would have meant that you were seen as a freak, and people would not have socialized with you. Being apart of the LGBT community would have meant that you would have experienced physical violence and you would have been harassed almost on a daily basis. Just 20 years ago, society thought that the AIDS epidemic came from and was caused by people of the LGBT community. Parents of people that identified as LGBT would have disowned them, ashamed that they "created" such a person. Having no family there to support the decision of being apart of the LGBT community caused lots of people lives in the LGBT community, such that people of the LGBT community turned to suicide, drug abuse etc.

    In todays society, more families have become supportive of their LBGT family members.

    In the article,Family acceptance in adolescence and the health of LGBT young adults, a study was computed and it was found that family acceptance predates greater self-esteem, social support, and general health status. The study also found that having family support protected against depression, substance abuse, and suicide ideation and behaviors.

    This is a plus for the LGBT community because there are now enough of them that they too can encourage themselves and all the LGBT around them. They no longer have to stay in the closet hoping to meet another LGBT person to tell them about their journey to know that "everything is going to be okay". They can now get that same feeling from their parents that have gotten enough knowledge about the LGBT community that they don't just say "you have the devils spirit upon you" or "You have a sickness". Parents now understand that "their child was born this way".

    Ryan, Caitlin, et al. "Family acceptance in adolescence and the health of LGBT young adults." Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 23.4 (2010): 205-213.

    5. In College You Get To Be Yourself

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    Ever thought about where people who identify as Transgender live in college? On campus? Is it required that they select off-campus housing? What about if they are transitioning? Still have the girl/boy parts but don't dress that way? Still thinking?

    In recent years, colleges and universities around the country have actually adopted housing policies that allow for Transgender's to live comfortably on campus. Colleges such as the University of Minnesota have developed a policy that respects the gender identity a student establishes with the university and strives to provide accommodations when possible. The Ohio State University created a similar policy which also states that "no student whom they know to be transgendered will have to find a comfortable and welcoming housing assignment on their own, and the University of California also emphasizes the principle of 'reasonable accommodations' when the University is notified in a timely manner.

    So why is this important? Its important because higher education levels can nows see that different varieties of people will be coming to their school and its only right to accommodate them all. People go to college to obviously learn, but it is in a time of their lives where they are finding themselves and are not secluded to just one option etc.

    Housing is not the only aspect that colleges are working to accommodate Transgender's. Various areas such as Bathrooms and locker rooms, counseling and health care, as well as college records and documentations.

    Beemyn, Brett, et al. "Transgender issues on college campuses." New directions for student services 2005.111 (2005): 49-60.

    6. The LGBT Status: IN TEXT

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    Many don't often learn about the LGBT community in depth until they read some sort of educational textbook. Its safe to say that educational textbooks are how the majority of people have learned about the LGBT community.

    The article "A content analysis exploring lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender topics in foundations of education textbooks" is basically about how the LGBT community is placed in Educational text, that the subtopics around the topic of LGBT are discouraging, and give a negative light to the LGBT community. Some of the subtopics include, drugs and alcohol abuse, HIV/AIDS, violence, depression, and suicide.

    Although this may not go away, there should be a better more uniform coverage and greater attention should be given to the portrayal of LGBT people in narrative and photographs as well as greater care exercised in the placement of LGBT topics within the texts.

    Macgillivray, Ian K., and Todd Jennings. "A content analysis exploring lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender topics in foundations of education textbooks." Journal of Teacher Education 59.2 (2008): 170-188.

    7. End violence against transgender people.

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    When it comes to violence and harassment, people that identify as Transgender know it all too well. In the study that was done in the article "Gender violence: Transgender experiences with violence and discrimination" it was found that over half of the people within the sample of Transgender's experienced some form of harassment or violence within their lifetime, with a quarter experiencing a violent incident. Further investigation found that experiencing economic discrimination because one is transgendered was the strongest predictor of experiencing a transgender related violent incident. "Working adults who disclose their transgendered experience, or request reasonable accommodations to it, are fired, harassed, intimidated or assaulted by supervisors wand coworkers, have their privacy violated, have their property defaced and destroyed, or are murdered".

    Another finding of this study was that younger people have a greater likelihood of experiencing violence than older people. "Transgendered youths who disclose their status are scorned, attacked, and locked into or thrown out of their homes. Once homeless, many may have little alternative to sex work and all the risks to their life and health associated with it".

    Violence against transgendered people needs to seize in the fact that they as people are harming no one. Transgendered people deserve the right to express themselves just like all heterosexual people are able to.

    Lombardi, Emilia L., et al. "Gender violence: Transgender experiences with violence and discrimination." Journal of homosexuality 42.1 (2002): 89-101.

    8. Know your Status: HIV/AIDS + OR -

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    Qualitative research was done in the article "HIV prevalence, risk behaviors, health care use, and mental health status of transgender persons: implications for public health intervention" and it was found that male-to-female and female-to-male transgender individuals experience severe employment, housing, and health care discrimination, and many engage in behaviors that put them at risk for HIV.

    Sadly, not many transgender actually know their status, and have chosen not to know. Other reasons, are because of their choice to do sex work, drug abuse, becoming a prostitute etc.

    The health risks with that are that because you actually don't know your status, you could be giving said diseases to others, who then pass it to others. Also, people are not being educated enough to know that knowing your status is important to more than just themselves. its important for the sake of everyone.

    There is a website mentioned in the video called TransHealth Coordinators , that basically offers much needed education to the medical community, while still offering different options in obtaining

    health services for everyone in the trans community.

    Clements-Nolle, Kristen, et al. "HIV prevalence, risk behaviors, health care use, and mental health status of transgender persons: Implications for public health intervention." American Journal of Public Health 91.6 (2001): 915.