These Nude Portraits Are So Realistic And Meaningful

    "I paint the body, but what I have always tried to do is capture that essence of an individual that is not definable nor describable."

    Aleah Chapin is a 30-year-old artist based in Seattle. She is known for her ability to paint portraits. The majority of her work consists of nude portraits that are impressingly realistic.

    In her most recent series, "Body/Being," Chapin choose to explore gender specificity with nude portraits.

    Chapin initially got inspiration for the project from her cousin, Qwill, who had come out as gender neutral. This portrait shows Qwill nude shortly after breast removal surgery.

    In this portrait titled "Paula," the idea of gender specificity is addressed. According to a press release, the subject of the painting (born Paul Angelo) described his chosen name, Paula, as reflecting a unity and balance between a feminine and masculine sensibility.

    The series also focuses on people in every stage of life, from Rachel, a mother with her newborn, Wes...

    ... to Roger, an older man who exudes quiet dignity.

    The portraits are so realistic, they initially don't even look like paintings.

    The series has garnered a lot of attention and was most recently featured in a gallery in New York City.

    "I paint the body, but what I have always tried to do is capture that essence of an individual that is not definable nor describable," Chapin said of her work.

    For more of Chapin's work check out her website here.

    BuzzFeed has reached out to Chapin for further comment.