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Sean Penn's Cringeworthy Green Card Joke At The Oscars Made A Lot Of People Upset

Some jokes are better left between friends.

Mexican director Alejandro González Iñárritu and his film Birdman took home four Academy Awards at the 2015 ceremony, including Best Picture.

Academy Award winner Sean Penn presented the final award, and ad-libbed a joke referring to Iñárritu.

Though the two are friends and worked together on the film 21 Grams...

...Many people did not appreciate Penn's joke.

so sad that a Mexican man can win an Oscar for his movie but still be taunted for his immigration status and be insecure in his English

If Inarritu is okay with Sean Penn making green card jokes, cool. But context matters, and lots of people aren't in on that context.

Did anyone else feel #seanpenn @seanpenn comment out of place?? #racist

#OscarsSoWhite A director of color can't accept an Oscar without being the butt of a racist joke. #Oscars2015

Sean Penn sucks for his "joke." #Oscars2015

And some questioned the context.

"Who gave this guy a green card?" Sean Penn talking about a Mexican dude to a room full of British & Australian people...

And great job Sean Penn. Ruining a fantastic moment with a green card "joke." #Tacky

And yet nobody asked Eddie Redmayne who gave him his green card...#Iñarritu #Oscars2015

Controversial joke aside, Iñárritu took the stage and thanked his people and his country in his acceptance speech.

The two appear to still be friends, and when asked about the joke in the press room after the ceremony, Iñárritu said, "I found it hilarious."

But considering the reaction, maybe some inside jokes are better off staying inside.