18 Crimes All Blunt People Are Guilty Of Committing

    You always tell the truth, even when you lie.

    1. Never saying a white lie no matter how necessary it may be.

    2. Posting online reviews that tell it exactly like it is.

    3. Always having to apologize to people because you speak the absolute truth.

    4. Never being able to filter your criticism.

    5. Literally always thinking out loud when it comes to someone else's behavior...

    6. ... Or their appearance.

    7. Overly appreciating someone else's pension for honesty.

    8. Being a little hard on yourself...

    9. ... But also guilty of calling a jerk a jerk.

    10. Being unable to hide your reaction when food grosses you out.

    11. Being terrible at comforting people because you have the inability to sugarcoat anything.

    12. Not even giving a courtesy laugh when you hear a terrible joke.

    13. Never letting a casual insult fly.

    14. Not being able to hide anything because your face says exactly what you're thinking.

    15. Saying what's on your mind no matter how inappropriate.

    16. Unabashedly calling a liar a liar.

    17. But you're also guilty of being sincere.

    18. And when you say something important you really mean it.

    In the end you're guilty of being honest, and you can't be faulted for that.

    Honesty is always the best policy.