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    How To Be Kind

    sometimes the world seems void of kindness but sometimes it all begins with you.

    Although it may seem obvious to some, being kind isn't always easy. Often we are told to put ourselves first, do what we want and disregard how that may affect others. Although there are times you need to come first, I wanted to put together some simple tips on how to be kind to yourself and the people in the world around you.

    Treat yourself like your best friend

    Everything begins with you.

    If you're having a rough day, give yourself breaks. You wouldn't call your best friend fat for eating a tub of ice cream, you wouldn't shame them for staying in bed binge watching Netflix because they felt bad. Or at least I hope not. You are a person and you are worthy of kindness, just like the people you love.

    Set goals

    Set big goals, things to aim for in the next year, five, ten (If that's your style).

    Set smaller goals for each day, apps like Wunderlist are great for having a virtual checklist and being able to see your progress as you tick things off throughout the day. Even the little things add up and make progress towards your bigger goals (eg. Beginning an assignment will put you towards getting it finished) Push yourself.


    Venting is for many a needed part of working through issues, but if you're always venting to somebody remember to ask them how they're doing too. It's easy to get caught up in your own life and issues but remember other people have their own life to share back with you. Friendships should be equal parts of support and discussion between one another.

    Never bottle up issues you have with another person

    Good relationships should be built on communication and the ability to maturely talk out whatever issues you're having in a respectful way.

    Be kind to staff

    don't go into shops when it's closing time, don't make a fuss when an item isn't available at a store or a staff member can't provide you exactly what you wanted. Be friendly and be understanding if a worker is struggling. Imagine it's you in their position.


    I'm not telling you to go run a marathon (unless you want to) but going for a walk every day with your dog, yoga or some laps at the pool a few times a week is proven to be good for your concentration and mental health.

    When you feel meanly about your appearance or self

    Imagine Donald Trump is saying these mean things to you and what you would say in response. (hint: It's Fuck Off)

    Be who you want to be

    Live your life the way you want to. You don't want to look back in a few decades and regret not living authentically. You're a boy who likes nail polish? Wear the shit out of it. (When you feel safe to do so) You like hats other people find ugly? You do you. At the end of the day there will always be somebody out there who doesn't approve of your aesthetic or life choices but they're not you and they don't get to decide what makes you comfortable and happy. If they realise you're not acknowledging their opinion they'll soon give up. Other people's negativity is a reflection on them, not you.

    Compliment Freely

    You think somebodies face is cute? Let them know. There's a stranger on the street wearing a shirt you love? Tell them! (If you have the confidence) Somebody is asking for questions on social media? Send them. Emit the energy you want to receive into the world. Compliments should be easy, they are easy to give but will make somebodies day and nobody is going to think you're strange for saying you love their eye shadow or that you think they're an inspiring person.